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I slowly opened my eyes,  wherever I was,  it was comfortable. I looked around and smiled, I was in Atlantis!

I sat -or floated- up, I glanced around the room, i was completely alone. There's probably people right outside, I noticed an unoccupied chair by my bed.


I'm tired of deep sea subs trying to probe Atlantis! Atleast they're gone now. I was on my way to visit my son,  he's been unconscious for about a week now,  honestly... I was growing worried about him.

When i arrived at his room they two guards went to open the door... but it didn't move!

"Sorry milord. " one explained as he was trying to push it, "something's blocking it!"

I gestured for him to move, I placed my hand on the door and pushed the water gently until I heard a thud, not a loud thud.  Then the door slowly opened to reveal Percy on asleep on his bed,  but he was curled up in the fetal position.

He had been crying,  good.  He needs to let it out,  especially if he's in England.

"Dad?" Did I wake him?

"Yes?" I asked

"Thankyou. "

I noticed that his letters were next to him,  opened.

"No problem. " I looked at him,  he's been through so much,  yet,  he has more to do, "what are you going to do next?" I asked

He stood up,  stretched a little, "protect the one's I can really call family. " he replied, "could I have some ambrosia?"

I nodded.


Where was Percy?  I'm sure he wouldn't want this! Our army was one hundred yards from the barrier around camp half blood, we were attacking at noon,  in two minutes.

We've been watching the Greeks make last minute preparations to their formation, they were using a phalanx formation to surround their camp.

They don't know we know about their traps,  sadly, the army doesn't care.  They believe the Greeks deserve the punishment, even if it costs them their lives, some are even trying for Valhalla!


One minutes. I looked around,  hoping to see him when a flash of light appeared,  along with a crap ton of fireworks!

Immediately our attention was brought to the fireworks,  which were all purple and black! That was extremely depressing!

Depressing fireworks! That's surprising.  Then they disappeared, I looked back towards the Greeks to see where they cane from when I saw the figure fifty yards ahead!

He was facing the Greeks,  yet I could tell who out was: Percy! He was just standing there!

He suddenly turned to face us, "Romans!" He boomed, "I did not want war!" That relieved me, "please return to camp Jupiter!"

I felt an entire atmosphere change, from the feeling of 'your about to die' to 'let's go relax.'

"I do request that the praetors and the council from camp Jupiter come here, along with twelve representatives from camp half blood!" He added

I immediately moved forward towards him,  along with another demigod from my far right, when we got close to each over I saw that it was Greg Heavier, a member of the council,  there wasn't supposed to be a member of the council here!

It took a few minutes for the greek representatives to arrive, I recognized most of them: Annebeth, Frank, Hazel,  Jason, Piper, Leo, a son of Disynious, Clarrise, Rachel, two Apollo kids, and the centaure.

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