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"Hufflepuff!" The hat yelled

My mouth dropped, how? He's the heir of Slytherin! I could understand Ravenclaw if he's smart, but Hufflepuff? I noticed him point to each table muttering something before heading to the Hufflepuff table.

"Should've known. " muttered Nico who was right next to us.

I turned to him, "What do you mean?" I asked curiously

"My uncle,  the equivalent of the prime minister once commented that Percy 'would damn the world to protect his friends'." He replied,  he smiled, "I was sure he'd be a Gryffindor though. "

"Why would he be a Gryffindor? " I snapped

He face darkened, "because he's actually met death,  he fought time itself, and defeated the world."

What's he talking about? I snorted in laughter, "sure. " I muttered, what an idiot.

Just then the great hall doors burst open revealing Professor Trelawney, she was guiding a young teenager whose eyes had gone green and smoke was escaping her lips until she spoke:

"He who held the sky

Shall save the one

the one holds dear

He must try to defy

or we're done!

child, do not fear!"

The girl promptly fell into Trelawney's arms. "I apologize for my niece, professor. "

I looked back at Dumbledore, he simply rose his hand, "it's alright,  since your here why don't you join the feast?"

She seemed conflicted about joining or not, "it's fine, we've got a meal being prepared." She bowed her head slightly as they backed out.

Dumbledore went to speak when we heard a hem hem, all eyes shot to the woman who just appeared at the table. I gasped, what was she doing here?

She strode to the front of the room before she spoke, "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance.The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the wizarding community must be passed down the generations lest we lose them forever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by our ancestors must be guarded, replenished and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching. Every headmaster and headmistress of Hogwarts have brought something new to the weighty task of governing this historic school, and that is as it should be, for without progress there will be stagnation and decay. There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognised as errors of judgment. Meanwhile, some old habits will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited." How she said it all is a mystery in of itself. "I hope we can all be friends!"

Suddenly Percy stood up!


Something about this woman pissed me off! I stood up angrily, "Would you answer some questions for this American? "

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