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I stared down at the human at my feet, "how hard is it to find a squib?" I snapped, "crucio!"

Just then I felt two quick burning sensations on my arm.


As we walked into DADA I didn't know what to expect, I was disappointed,  Umbridge stood at the front of the class with a crap eating grin.

"Good afternoon,  class. "

A few people mumbled good afternoon as we took out seats.

"Tut, tut." She silently shook her head, "that won't do, when I say 'Good afternoon,  class' you respond with 'Good afternoon,  professor Umbridge'. Let's try again."

"Let's not!" Came Percy's voice, two rows ahead of me

Umbridge ignored him, "Good afternoon, class. "

"Good afternoon,  professor Umbridge. " half the class responded

"Good afternoon,  professor Umbitch."  Came Percy's voice

Her face twisted but she ignored it, "we'll work on that. " she nodded her head before flicking her wand, "instructions on the board."

I looked at the board and groaned, "Yes?" Came Umbridge voice

I looked around and saw Percy with his hand up, "there's nothing on how to perform the spells."

What?  Not being taught to use the spells?

"Why would you need to use them?" She sneered

Percy put his hand to his chin,  before shooting up and pointing his wand at her, "dead." He said Coldy

Umbridge smiled, "not really. "

"What's stopping me?" He asked, "if i killed you, who's going to stop me?  They don't know how!"

She grew angry, "expelliarmus!"

His wand didn't move, "my point." With that,  he sat down

"Mr Jackson,  come here." Her voice had changed to be very nice,  Percy stood up and walked over,  she handed him a  letter, "give this to professor McGanagall."

He looked at it intently, "Good news everyone!" He pretended to be excited, "we're going to perform at Shakespeare's Globe!" (Five points if you know what that is)

Half the class burst out laughing, more chuckled when he did a ninety degree bow!

I decided to voice my concerns.


While I sat at my desk I was half expecting Harry to knock any second. When i heard the knock on my door I sighed, "come in. "

Imagine my surprise when Percy walked in!

"Hello professor, I was told to give you this." He said handing me an envelope

I opened it and almost laughed while reading it:

'Dear professor McGanagall

I regret to inform you that Mr. Potter, on the first day of class,  is already causing problems! From talking out of turn to spreading lies,  if you cannot fix these issues I will have to include them in my report to Cornelius Fudge.

Sincerely, Doris Umbridge'

Except Umbridge was crossed out and Umbitch written below it.

"I'm going to be frank. " he said suddenly, "Harry is probably going to be here soon as well. "

"Why? " I was curious

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