Chapter Seven-Magic Training

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"WHAT!!!!" I screamed.

"Maybe next year...?"


"So your plan is..."

"My plan is to get in tomorrow. Now. You two." I pointed at them. "Teach me,"

"I'm no tutor," Nozel said scornfully.

"No? Fine then, I'll train Luna myself," Fuegoleon smiled.

"On second thought, I might stay and watch," Nozel said hastily.

Fuegoleon plucked a leaf off the ground. "Okay, Luna, see if you can keep this in the air," he dropped the leaf and it fluttered to the ground. "LUNA!" he whacked me on the top of my head. "CONCENTRATE!!!"

"It dropped too fast." I protested. "You also didn't explain how to keep it in the air,"

"Don't you know? Just do some simple magic, children learn how to do this around seven. Your village does use magic right? Then you should have learned like the rest of the children,"

"Yeah the village children learn how to use magic around seven but...I kind of have a very weak amount of magic. So they didn't bother to help me, saying that it might be better to ignore me instead of wasting effort on me. It's true I'm weak and-"

"DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THEM!!!" Fuegoleon basically lit himself on fire.



"Inspirational speech," Nozel said over to the side. "Would you like me to write it down so you can scream it to everyone in need?"

"TRY AGAIN!!!" He threw the leaf into the air again.

I scrunched my eyes shut and tried picturing the leaf floating. No successes as the leaf continued its way towards the ground. I squeezed my eyes harder. Floating leaf, floating leaf, floating-

"Ridiculous faces won't get you anywhere," Nozel called.

"Thanks so much for the advice, you're super helpful," I huffed as the leaf landed.

"Want my advice on this entire thing? Try keeping your emotions the way you want your magic to flow. You're too stiff," Nozel suggested.

Worth a shot. As the leaf went airborne again, I let myself calm down. The leaf wavered in the air before plummeting back down.

"Relax!" Fuegoleon prodded me.

I took several deep breaths and cleared my mind to focus on the leaf. As it fell to the earth, my magic sprung out, a flash a purple that encircled the leaf, halting it in place.

"I did it!" I cheered. The purple magic abruptly disappeared and the leaf descended back down to the ground.

"Don't let your emotions get in the way," Nozel said.

We tried the leaf again and my magic still caught it.

"Okay, next up," Fuegoleon had a ball of fire in his hand. "Prevent the leaf from turning to charcoal.' He threw the fireball towards the leaf and it exploded in flames.

"Were you paying attention?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. Two floating spells and I'm already feeling dizzy. Is this normal after using magic?

"Okay then focus! If that leaf was a real person, you've basically let them die. Magic Knights top priority is to protect people and don't you forget that!"

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