The Wheel of Fortune

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"Sylvia!" Damien called into the night. The wind blew against Damien's choppy brown hair. Although it was chilly outside, he was fine in his blue tee shirt and jeans. His brown eyes scanned the cornfield ahead of him.

The moon and stars were gleaming, giving the area around Damien a silver glow. Music was pounding out of the two story townhouse that held a majority of the students from Little Valley High. Damien could smell a lush, rich smell of grass and livestock coming from the cornfield in front of him.

"Sylvia!" Damien cried once more.

Sylvia walked out of the cornfield; pushing stalks of corn away from her face. Her red and orange dyed hair looked wind blown, while her bangs were hiding her brown eyes from being easily visible. A few bits of corn stalk got stuck on her plaid skirt and stockings.

"There you are," Damien said, as he walked over to her.

"I needed some air," Sylvia said with a smile. She pulled her leather jacket closer around her. "There are so many people inside."

"Yeah." Damien wrapped his arm around Sylvia's shoulders.

Sylvia looked up at the sky. "It's amazing out."

Damien looked up as well. The sky was a dark blue with a few stars twinkling within it. "Yeah, I agree." Damien paused. "What were you doing in the field?"

"Just hiding. I didn't want anyone to find me, but I heard you calling me and walked back."

"Oh." Damien paused. He looked over at Sylvia. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

The two of them heard a low sound. It was identical to metal scraping against metal. Damien noticed something glimmer between the cornstalks.

Damien took his arm off of Sylvia and walked towards the field.

"What are you doing?" Sylvia asked in a hushed tone.

"I want to know what that gleaming thing was," Damien said. He disappeared into the field.

Sylvia looked around her. No one was outside or near her. She looked back at the house. She noticed everyone talking and dancing inside. She looked back at the cornfield.

"Damien, wait up," she whispered before stepping inside the cornfield.

Sylvia followed the path of corn stalks that were flattened compared to the other stalks around it. It wasn't long before she ran into the back of Damien.

"Woah," Sylvia uttered.

"Sh!" Damien cried.

"What's going on?" Sylvia asked as she looked over Damien's shoulder. Her breath got caught in her throat. "Oh my god."

Those were the last words Damien heard, as a huge, crooked scythe entered his body and traveled into Sylvia's.

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