The Hanged Man

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It was when the unusual rhythmic sounds started to sound closer that my heart hammered in my chest. I gripped onto Kaitlyn's hand tighter.

Step. Slide. Pound. Step. Slide. Pound.

'He's coming!' Natalie cried. She buried her face in Caiden's chest. I heard the cries coming from her.

I closed my eyes to prevent the tears, as Natalie's cries filled my head. Her cries. Isaiah's screams. Kaitlyn's breath. I started to hear my heart pounding in my ears. My mind was swirling, causing me to be disoriented to what was currently happening.

Step. Slide. But there was no pound. It was a scrape. There was a glimmer of metal under the door.

Kaitlyn whimpered and I flinched.

Danny looked over at us and put a finger to his lips.

Kaitlyn wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face into my back. I could feel her trembling. I knew she was crying.

I turned around and looked at Kaitlyn. I tilted her chin up and looked into her eyes. They were brimming with tears. I kissed her cheek, her nose, and ended at her lips. I caressed her face with my hand and placed my forehead against hers.

Kaitlyn closed her eyes and took a breath in.

The steps continued down the rest of the hall.

I felt Kaitlyn relax. She kissed me softly and opened her eyes. I caressed her cheek once more before letting her go. I turned and looked at everyone else.

Roxanne was rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

Macey looked off in the corner of the room.

Natalie rested her head on Caiden's shoulder. Tears were streaming down her face. She gripped her necklace and kissed it softly before letting it go.

Caiden ran his hand up and down Natalie's arm. I could see his other hand slightly trembling whether it was from fear or adrenaline, I did not know.

I looked up at Danny. He was standing suspiciously straight and unmoving. His arms only slightly rose with every breath he took in.

Further down the hall, I heard a door open. Kaitlyn shuddered.

Natalie whimpered.

I took a sharp breath in and held my breath.

The door closed.

There was a step and a slide followed by a pound.

I released the breath I was holding. My heart slowed down.

Kaitlyn held my hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of my palm.

Step. Slide. Pound. Step. Slide. Pound. Step. Slide. There was no pound.

I saw a shadow appear under the door.

There was a thud against the door. Kaitlyn, Natalie, and I jumped. Roxanne and Macey immediately looked at the door. Danny and Caiden slowly looked up towards the door.

Natalie hid her face in her hands. She was rocking back and forth.

Another thud hit the door.

I tried to only focus on my breathing, as I breathed in and out.

Another thud hit the door.

I shivered. I held my breath and closed my eyes. I felt Kaitlyn squeeze my hand.

Something scraped against the door. I flinched. I hadn't opened my eyes and I didn't want to. My head kept imagining the door opening and meeting the eyes of Cornfield. He'd kill us in an instant. Or would he? I could see him making us suffer like Isaiah did. I cringed.

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