The High Priestess

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Isaiah and Macey walked over to the table. Isaiah sat down next to Griffin and Macey sat across from him.

'What are you guys talking about?' Isaiah asked.

'Thanksgiving,' I stated.

Isaiah rolled his eyes. 'Don't even get me started. My mom is freaking out because half the family is coming over and some of them plan on sleeping over. So, she's been down my neck about cleaning the house.' Isaiah sighed. 'I'm just trying to eat, okay? Is that too much to ask?'

We all chuckled.

'My Thanksgiving will be filled with family members I haven't seen since I was a kid,' Macey said. 'After I said hello and ate, I was gonna crash yours.' Macey looked at Isaiah after she said that.

'Oh, please do," Isaiah rejoiced. "I need someone to keep me sane.'

Everyone at the table laughed.

'Hey, we should do something that weekend,' Isaiah suggested.

'No can do,' I said, quickly. 'This year I'm hoping from family to family. It's my dad's side one day and then my mom's side the next. After that, I won't be surprised if we go back to my dad's side.'

'Yeah, I don't think my mom will let me out of the house,' Natalie said.

'I'm sure I'll be free,' Danny chimed. 'It's not like I do anything anyway.'

Everyone chuckled.

'Where'd you plan on going?' Griffin asked.

'I don't know,' Isaiah said. He paused before he gasped. 'We could go Black Friday shopping!'

'I'm in,' Macey said.

'Don't get trampled,' I mumbled.

'I guess I'll go,' Danny said.

'Let me think about it,' Griffin said, hesitantly.

'Think about what?' Kaitlyn asked as she sat down next to me.

'I asked if anyone wanted to go Black Friday shopping," Isaiah said.

'I think I'll still be with my family.'

'I'll go,' Roxanne said when she sat down. She pulled her cornrows back into a ponytail before she started eating.

'Sweet!' Isaiah exclaimed.

'Oh, yeah that reminds me,' Kaitlyn said. 'After the dance do you guys want to come over to my house?'

'Hell yeah!' Isaiah said.

'Let me convince my mom,' Natalie said, as she pulled out her phone and went on it.

'I guess everyone's in,' Kaitlyn said.

'Of course,' Griffin said.

'We can come back and gossip about what happened,' Isaiah remarked.

Everyone chuckled.

'Do any of you need a ride to my house afterward?' Kaitlyn asked.

'Me!' Isaiah cried.

'Me too,' Macey said.

'I've got my extra two,' Kaitlyn said.

'Can I ride along with you Natalie?' Roxanne asked.

'Yeah, sure. I'm sure Caiden will be okay giving you a ride.'

'So that means you're coming?' Kaitlyn asked.

'Yeah, my mom is fine, since Caiden will be there with me. I promised not to leave his sight.'

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