The Chariot

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As Danny walked back to the house, I walked to the street towards his car. I unlocked the door and lay down across the back seat. I tossed Danny's keys up in the front seat. I looked up at the ceiling, as images rushed through my head. Griffin's body across the fence. Isaiah's body dragged across the field. The centipede shooting out of Macey's throat. Caiden's smashed head. Natalie's faraway look, as she was stitched to Caiden. Roxanne's charred body. Kaitlyn's shredded remains.

I shuddered. My closest friends were gone within a matter of a few hours. I ran my hands over my face.

The car door opened.

I didn't move. I felt something slowly slide up my left thigh. I looked down and saw a bloodied scythe. I screamed.

In one slash, my shirt was torn vertically in half. Cornfield dropped his scythe outside on the ground before throwing himself into the car.

I turned and pulled on the handle of the car door. 'Open! Open! Open!' I tugged hard enough that I nearly broke off the handle.

A hand slid around my neck. I looked down at the hand. The stitches in Cornfield's hand stretched farther away from one another the further he spread his fingers. They were yellowed and torn in some places. I feared that his hand was going to fall off and land on my lap.

Tears gathered in my eyes. 'Fuck...'

Cornfield threw me back, so I was lying across his lap on my back. His haunting eyes bore into me. Cornfield looked back and forth in my eyes, searching. The joy that quickly grew in his eyes repulsed me, as he began to nod. His rotten, decaying stench engulfed the car like smoke. I couldn't breathe. I was afraid to. I was considering suffocating rather than whatever Cornfield had planned. The burlap of his clothes scratched my skin and made it itch." I shivered.

Officer Lycan looked at me.

"Don't say anything. Just let me process through it."

He nodded.

I waited a few moments before I continued. "I closed my eyes. I couldn't look at him. I didn't want to see what he was going to do. My mind wouldn't allow me to focus on one thought. I was fighting over ways of how I was going to get out of this. Ideas were tearing each other down, but I couldn't figure out which one to focus on. They were all too busy and frantic. By the time a thought was halfway processed, I was coming up with another tactic to get out.

Cornfield pushed himself down closer to my face. I could feel his warm breath heating up my cheeks.

I shook my head. 'No, no, no!' I pushed back against his chest, but he did not budge in the slightest. 'Get away from me!'

We were inches apart. His breath was heavy. It was hot and reeked of eggs mixed with dirt.

I turned away from him. Tears slowly streamed out of my eyes. I didn't want this. I didn't plan for this. He was stronger than I was, more resilient. A part of me wanted to give in. There was no way I was getting out of this. Cornfield was going to stay until he got what he wanted from me, whatever it was. I was just hoping it wasn't much more.

Cornfield removed his hand from my neck and gently placed his hand on my stomach.

I shivered and shook.

He continued to drag his hand up before settling his hand on my chest. I could feel the different texture of his skin: rough, calloused, fleshed, and bloody.

I moved and squirmed around, but his hand remained on my chest.

Cornfield circled his fingers over my chest. His nails were sharp and broke my skin open. Beads of blood dripped down. He moved his face down and rubbed it against the blood.

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