The Hermit

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I didn't get far before I stopped in my tracks. I looked up ahead in the field. Kaitlyn was standing by herself with her back to me. Cornfield was a few feet in front of her. For a moment, no one moved, as the breeze blew Kaitlyn's hair and the stalks of corn in the distance.

Air was suffocating me and I didn't move. I couldn't. I didn't want to go near him. I couldn't. He was going to kill me. He was going to kill us.

Cornfield waved his right arm and four black German shepherd-like dogs ran out of the corn stalks. Foam and saliva dripped from their mouths, as they made their way towards Kaitlyn.

She darted in the opposite direction. I could tell Kaitlyn was running as fast as she could, but it wasn't fast enough.

Ten. Ten paces. That is all it took before one of the dogs jumped up and chomped on Kaitlyn's right shoulder.

She spun to her left; tripping on her own feet and fell down on her back.

Three of the dogs came over and attacked Kaitlyn. Her clothes went up into shreds, as the dogs made it their mission to get to the flesh. In four bites, they made it to the bone. Blood poured out of her like a riverbed.

Kaitlyn tried pulling away from the dogs grasps, but they held onto her with an iron hold. Her screams and sobs filled the air." I took a breath.

Officer Lycan looked up at me. He didn't say anything.

My body started shaking with sobs. I didn't want to have to think back to this moment, but I had to. I was probably going to have to keep reliving this part, the worst part of the night.

"Continue when you're ready," Officer Lycan said.

I nodded. I took a breath and wiped away the tears that were falling. "The other dog leaned in close to Kaitlyn's face and continuously barked. The foam and saliva flew off from the dog's mouth and on Kaitlyn's face. She cried harder. The dog's fangs were bared at Kaitlyn in a way that reminded me of a smile. It then took a bite on Kaitlyn's shoulder and pulled down; ripping her shirt and flesh. Kaitlyn's chest was ripped open and exposed.

I could visibly see her heart beating. The three other dogs moved on to removing organs. Her small intestine. Her spleen. Her liver. All of them ripped away and tossed into the grass beside them.

I watched Kaitlyn's heart slow down.

Kaitlyn's head slumped to the left. She looked at me. 'Scarlett, I love...'

She mouthed "you", but I couldn't hear her say it. I watched as her heart started to slow, until it eventually stopped beating." A sob escaped my lips.

Officer Lycan pushed the box of tissues towards me.

I took one and caught my tears with it. The sobs kept shaking through me. I was almost finished, but I couldn't continue. I couldn't do it. I couldn't come to terms with the death of the one girl I loved wholeheartedly.

"Ms. Neilson," Officer Lycan said. "I understand this is hard for you, but it is vital that I get every bit of information that you know."

I didn't say anything as I took a breath.

"Ms. Neilson."

"Give me a minute!" I cried.

Officer Lycan didn't say another word.

I took a breath and cleared my throat. I crumpled up my tissue and left it on the table. I looked up into Officer Lycan's eyes with newfound hatred. "Although she was already gone, the dogs kept taking bites of Kaitlyn's flesh and removing organs. One took a bite of her neck and ripped it open. Blood squirted out; spraying the dog on the side of the face.

I watched as her lungs were removed. Her colons. Her stomach. Her pancreas.

Eventually, three of the dogs, sauntered away. I looked at Kaitlyn's body hidden among the grass. She was still looking at me. I could see a bone sticking out in her right leg. There were still pieces of flesh and muscle attached to it. Her right arm was broken at the elbow and hung in an odd direction. With most of her organs gone, it looked like someone just drilled through her and left a gaping hole. The breeze in the air was carrying around the copper smell of Kaitlyn's blood.

I looked off at the last dog. He took a hold of Kaitlyn's left arm and ripped it from the rest of her body. He held onto it in his mouth as if it was a prize, as he walked away back into the field.

I stayed standing. I couldn't pry my eyes from Kaitlyn's remains. I looked back into Kaitlyn's eyes. A sob bubbled out of me. I fell to my knees and bawled.

'Noooooooooo!' I cried. I dropped my head down to the ground in front of me. 'Why! Why would you do this to me?!' I pounded against the ground and ripped out handfuls of grass. Sobs got caught in my throat. 'Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn!' Tears and snot dripped down my face and into the grass. 'Kaitlyn...' I took a breath and looked up at Kaitlyn or what was left of her. 'You didn't deserve this.' I sighed. 'It should've been me.'

I felt a hand on my back.

I jumped and moved away. I turned around and met Danny's eyes.

'Scar...' Danny whispered.

'Don't say a fucking word,' I mumbled.

'But Scar...'


Danny took a breath. 'We shouldn't stay out here. It's not safe.'

'Then go inside.'

Danny sighed. 'Scarlett.'

'I'm not going in there!' I paused and took a breath. 'She's in there.' I paused. 'She's everywhere in there and I don't want to be reminded of that.'

Danny sat down next to me in the grass. 'I understand.'

My mind couldn't help but think about Kaitlyn. Our first date at the bowling alley. Our first sleepover together. Our first time saying, 'I love you.'

Tears filled my eyes, thinking about how I'd never get to hear her utter those words anymore. I wouldn't be able to walk her to class, hold her hand, or look into her breathtaking eyes. The only breathtaking thing were those dogs taking away her lungs.

I shoved my closed fist into my eyes to prevent tears from falling down.

Danny reached up and rubbed my back.

I froze at his touch. He stopped for a moment before I no longer felt his hand there.

I redirected my attention to the wind blowing; hearing it rustle through the stalks of corn. I ran my hands over the blades of grass surrounding me. I took a breath in and one out before opening my eyes again.

'Do you think you are okay enough to leave here now?' Danny asked.

I paused before looking over at him. 'We need to go. I can't be here anymore.'

Danny stood up. He handed me his car keys. 'Go and sit in the car. I'm going to go get the gun just in case. Feel free to lie down in the backseat.'

I nodded.

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