The Fool

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After gym class, Kaitlyn and I sat in the locker room.

'When do you want me to pick you up tonight?' Kaitlyn asked.

'Any time after five is good.'

'I thought your mom didn't get home until five thirty, though.'

'She doesn't, but she's getting my sister since I'm going out.'

'Oh, makes sense.'

I paused. 'Did you figure out what you were going to wear?'

'Not really.' She paused. 'What are you wearing?'

I shrugged. 'Probably some jeans and a tee.'

'What color shirt?'

'Maybe white. I'm thinking of my shirt that says 'California Dreaming' on a license plate.'

'So I guess that means I'm wearing white, too.'

I smiled.

The bell rang and everyone in the locker room walked out. Kaitlyn and I were the few that left last. When we walked out, I saw Danny and Griffin talking as they waited against the wall. We walked over to them.

'Hey,' I said.

'You guys ready for the dance?' Danny asked.

'Of course,' Kaitlyn said.

'Are you guys going to be on time or fashionably late?' Griffin asked.

I chuckled and slid my hand in Kaitlyn's, lacing our fingers together. 'Probably late, you know how long Kaitlyn takes to get ready.'

'I do not!' Kaitlyn cried.

'Do so,' Danny chimed. 'Scarlett takes like under thirty minutes, while you're a whole hour.'

Kaitlyn pouted. 'I take offense.'

'We still love you though,' I said. 'Lateness and all.'

Kaitlyn smiled.

The four of us started walking towards the entrance of the school.

'Well, I'll be on time,' Griffin said. 'I've got to talk to someone.'

'Who?' I asked.

Griffin smirked. 'Don't worry about it.'

I smiled. 'I'll figure it out eventually.'

We all walked out the front doors of the school and parted ways. Kaitlyn and I got in her car.

'Are you going to call me later and ask about what you should wear?' I asked.

Kaitlyn smiled. 'Maybe, why?'

'I kinda wanted to take a nap before the dance, but I could still help.'

'No, you should get your sleep. I don't want you to be a mess later.'

I smiled. 'You sure?'

'Yeah, it's fine. I'll probably wear something simple though since you are.'

'I'm sure you'll still look gorgeous, regardless.'

Kaitlyn smiled before she kissed me softly. 'Thanks, babe."

Kaitlyn drove off. During the car ride, I mostly looked out the window, while Kaitlyn held my hand as she drove. Everything was calm and sweet. It felt right.

Kaitlyn pulled up outside my house.

I grabbed my bag. 'I'll see you later.' I kissed her quickly.

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