The Heirophet

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'Roxanne!' I cried. I sat up and moved towards Roxanne. I rolled up her right pant leg. The closer I got to her wound the damper her pants were. Blood was spurting out of a cut above her calf like a fountain. I covered my hands with it and put pressure on it.

'We need a first aid kit,' I said, rushed.

'There's one in the basement,' Kaitlyn stated.

Blood was still gushing out of Roxanne's wound profusely.

'Guys, help,' I cried.

Danny and Kaitlyn added additional pressure to Roxanne's wound.

'Can you two go down and get the first aid kit,' I said, as I looked at Natalie and Caiden.

Natalie shook her head.

Caiden clutched onto the shotgun. 'Where is it?'

'It's in the cabinet by the washing machine,' Kaitlyn said.

'Please hurry,' I gushed.

'Okay,' Caiden said. He stood up. He held out his hand for Natalie. Reluctantly, she grabbed his hand and the two of them left.

I looked at Roxanne. Her eyes were fluttering open.

I softly patted her face. 'Stay with us, Roxanne.' I looked over at Kaitlyn. 'Do you have a scarf or something that I can tie around her leg?'

'Yeah,' Kaitlyn said. Kaitlyn got up and went to her dresser. She opened a drawer and pulled out a scarf. She handed it to me.

I took it. Danny lifted Roxanne's leg, as I wrapped her leg with the scarf. I tied it tight. The blood slowed.

'That should hold, until they come back up,' I said.

Kaitlyn looked down at her hands. They were coated in Roxanne's blood. Her hands started to shake. Her breathing was loud and filled my ears. Kaitlyn got up and left the room.

Danny and I looked towards the door.

'I'm gonna go check up on her,' I said, as I stood up. I noticed a trail of blood going from Kaitlyn's room to the bathroom. I walked to the bathroom door and stood in the doorway.

Kaitlyn was at the sink lathering her arms and hands with soap. She was scratching at her skin so bad that it was becoming red and raw. She ran her hands under the water and removed some of the blood. The blood on her arms still stayed, though, prompting her to scratch at it.

I took a step inside and wiped off the blood on my hands and arms on a nearby towel. 'Babe.'

She kept scratching.

I took another step and tossed the towel near the sink. 'Babe.'

She ran her hands over her face.

'Babe!' I cried.

Kaitlyn looked over at me.

I stood in front of her. 'It's okay.'

Kaitlyn shook her head. 'No, no. Roxanne is bleeding out and her blood is all over me. And...and Macey...' She swallowed a lump in her throat. 'Macey just died! Right in front of us! Her blood is on my face!' She began to sob.

I held her cheeks in my hand. 'It's okay, baby. I'm right here. I know you're scared and I know it seems like everything is falling apart, but I'm right here. I'll always be. I'm not going anywhere.' I wiped away the tears that were falling down her face.

Kaitlyn closed her eyes. I felt her breathing slow.

'I love you,' I said.

'I love you, too,' Kaitlyn whispered.

Kaitlyn opened her eyes and I let go of her face. She held my hand.

Kaitlyn sighed. 'I'm better now.'

I smiled. 'Glad to hear.'

We walked back to Kaitlyn's room and sat down with Roxanne. And then we waited."


I held Caiden's hand in a death grip. He didn't seem to mind, as we slowly walked downstairs. Cadien hesitated once we got to the bottom of the stairs. Everything was completely submerged in the dark. I could barely make out Caiden's face. The wind outside was whistling against the window. I shivered.

Caiden looked over at me. "Are you sure you want to go with me?"

I hesitated. My heart pounded in my ears. "I...I don't want you to go alone..."

Caiden looked in my direction, but it was like he was looking through me.

Caiden turned on the flashlight on his phone. 'Let's go.'

I followed behind Caiden as he made his way towards the kitchen. I looked around the room. Even if I couldn't see what all was there, I wanted to be aware of what could be there. My mind played with me, as it imagined moving shadows and snarling beasts lurking a few inches away in the dark.

I felt many different things tickling my arms and legs, but when I frantically touched those areas nothing was there. The creaks in the floor were amplified in my head. The house was screaming at me, but our steps were the only sounds being made.

The closer we got to the basement door, the more aware I became of the shadows. It felt like they were coming closer and closer to us. My heart drummed in my ears. I was screaming at Caiden to shine the flashlight in the areas I knew creatures were lurking in, but he didn't hear me. Maybe because I didn't say them out loud or maybe he was too distracted with the sound of metal against the wood tiled floor.

Standing at the entrance between the kitchen and the living room was Cornfield.

I screamed.

Caiden grimaced and dropped his phone.

Cornfield took a step before he swung his scythe at us.

Caiden jumped back to avoid getting hit, knocking into me. He quickly aimed and fired the shotgun at Cornfield.

One. Two. Two seconds. A shotgun wound to the chest stunned Cornfield for two seconds.

Caiden blinked. "What the-"

Cornfield took this as an opportunity to swing down his scythe down and cut off Caiden's right hand.

"Arrrrgggghhhh!" Caiden screamed, as he hit the ground on his knees. The gun clattered against the ground.

I walked back into the basement door, as my breath ran ragged. I clutched onto my necklace. "God, us."

Caiden pushed the gun back towards me before clutching his right forearm in his hand. His breathing was heavy. Blood flowed from his arm and dripped down to his elbow.

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