The Magician

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We pulled into school and Kaitlyn parked her car. Kaitlyn held my hand as we walked inside. The loud shouts and abundance of teenagers woke me up even more, as we walked down the hallway. I could smell the different breakfast sandwiches and coffee coming from different places, like the cafeteria and Dunkin Donuts. We made a right turn at the end of the hall and walked over to our group of friends near the entrance of the cafeteria.

Natalie Monero, my friend since sophomore year. Her long, wild, dark brown hair and a thick birthmark on her neck were the two things people noticed about her. She had nut-brown eyes that perfectly complemented her almond colored skin.

Danny Collins, my best friend since sophomore year. His short, dirty blond hair angled around his face nicely. His ocean blue eyes were highlighted against his very fair skin.

Isaiah Davis, my friend since freshman year. He had nice hickory brown skin and dark brown hair that was dyed blonde at the top and styled into a box haircut. He wasn't the tallest out of my friends, but he carried himself like he was.

Macey Taylor, my friend since freshman year. She had chestnut brown eyes, but wore hazel colored contacts to hide them. She often wore different colored wigs, which didn't change from today. She was currently wearing a pink wig styled in an updo. It looked good against her tawny colored skin.

'Hey,' Kaitlyn said, as she stopped beside Natalie.

'Hey,' Danny, Macey, Natalie, and Isaiah said in unison.

'I love your hair, Macey,' I added.

'Thanks,' Macey chimed. 'I thought I was in for a change.'

I smiled.

'So you guys excited for tonight?' Isaiah asked.

'Of course!' Kaitlyn cried. 'It's been forever since we've had a school dance.'


'Hey, Natalie,' I called. 'Is your boyfriend going to come?'

'Oh, yeah,' Natalie answered. 'Caiden said that he'd be happy to come.'

'What about your boyfriend, Macey?' Isaiah asked.

'He has work tonight,' Macey said.

'Aww, that sucks.'

'Yeah, but I'm sure I'll have just as much fun.'

'Are Roxanne and Griffin coming too?' I asked.

'I know Roxanne is,' Isaiah replied. 'I don't know about Griffin, though.'

'I'll ask him in English.'

The morning bell rang.

'See you guys later,' Natalie said, as she walked away.

'See ya,' Macey said, as she and Isaiah walked down the hallway straight ahead.

I turned towards Kaitlyn and kissed her. 'I'll see you next block.'

She smiled at me. 'I'll be waiting.'

I watched Kaitlyn walk away and walk down the hallway on the left.

Danny looked up at me. 'Ready to go?'

I nodded, as we both walked straight down the hallway.

'So, how are you today?' I asked.

'Tired,' Danny responded, as he ran a hand over his face.

'I can understand that. At least it's Friday.'

'Yeah, but eventually I have to come back here for a dance.'

I chuckled. 'You don't have to go if you're going to suffer that much.'

'No, it's fine. I already paid for my ticket.'

'And to think you wanted to hang out with your friends.'

Danny chuckled. 'Well, spending my Friday at school wasn't ideal, but at least I'll be with my best bud.' He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him.

I chuckled. "All right, all right, let me go."

He took his arm off my shoulder. We arrived at the end of the hallway.

'I'll see you later,' I said.

'Bye, Scarlett,' Danny said before turning right.

I turned left and walked further down the hall to my English class. Mostly everyone was in their seats by the time I got there. I walked to my seat: fourth column, fifth seat back. I scrolled through my Twitter feed, as I waited for the bell to ring.

Suddenly, someone slapped their hand down on my desk.

I looked up and met the dark chocolate eyes of Griffin.

He smiled at me. His black tee shirt was wrapped tightly around his body highlighting his toned biceps and flat chest. Although it was fall, he was still tanned, like he spent everyday outside. 'Hey.'

I smiled. 'Hey, Griffin. How are you?'

'I'm just fine.'

I paused. 'Are you going to the dance tonight?'

'Yeah, Natalie convinced me to go.'

'Oh, sweet!'

'Yeah, I heard the whole gang was coming.'

'Yeah, Natalie's even bringing her boyfriend.'

'So we finally get to meet her stud muffin.'

I chuckled. 'Yeah. Hopefully, you, Isaiah and Danny don't freak him out.'

Griffin scoffed. 'I would never.'

I chuckled. 'If that's what you think.'

The bell rang. The loudspeaker crinkled before it came to life.

'Good morning, everyone,' Scott announced over the loudspeaker. 'Please stand for the pledge of allegiance.'

I sighed and stood up, as everyone else followed suit.

'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for with it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You may be seated.'

Chairs screeched against the tile floor, as everyone sat back down.

Morning announcements played over the speaker, but I didn't pay attention to them.

Griffin turned around to face me. 'Is Kaitlyn having a party after the dance?'

I paused. 'I don't know. Her parents aren't out of town this time. If she does decide to have something, it'll probably just be us, meaning the whole gang.'

Griffin nodded before turning around. He laid his head back until it hit my desk; crushing the top part of his gelled black hair. 'I just hope this dance is decent.'

I chuckled. 'What do you mean by that?'

'I just hope I have someone to chill with. You'll be with Kaitlyn. And Danny will follow you around like a lost puppy. Natalie will have Mr. Stud Muffin. Macey and Isaiah have each other. And you know Roxanne is a free spirit.'

I chuckled. 'Aww, Griffin. I'm sure you'll have someone. We can't be the only friends you have that are going.'

'You're not, but you guys deal with a lot of my bullshit and I hate just leaving you guys like that.'

"Aww, Griffin. You're sweeter than people give you credit for. We'll be fine and you'll be there if and when we go to Kaitlyn's right?'

Griffin smiled. 'Yeah, I guess you're right.'

I playfully pinched his protruding nose. 'I always am.'

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