The Emperor

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After English, I walked over to my Spanish class.

'Hola, Scarlett,' Ms. Jenkins said when I walked through the door.

'Hola,' I said. I walked to my seat: second row, the second seat on the right side of the classroom.

It wasn't long before Kaitlyn walked into class. I took notice of how her jeans hugged her curves. My eyes followed the rest of her body up, as Kaitlyn and I made eye contact.

Kaitlyn sat next to me on my left side. 'Could you not undress me with your eyes?'

I chuckled. 'Sorry, Kait. You look gorgeous.'

Kaitlyn smiled and tucked her long raven hair behind her ear. 'You always say that.'

'Because it's true.'

Kaitlyn looked at me and smiled.

After Spanish, Kaitlyn walked with me to art, since her class was on the way. We held hands and Kaitlyn rubbed her thumb over the back of my palm.

'Are you having a party at your place after the dance?' I asked.

'Not like a party, party,' Kaitlyn said. 'My parents said they were okay with me inviting a few friends over after the dance. I didn't know how willing everyone was to come over.'

'They'd probably be cool with it. Griffin already made it seem like he was on board if you were having a party.'

'All right. I'll ask during lunch.'


We stopped beside Kaitlyn's classroom.

I quickly kissed her. 'See you at lunch.'

Kaitlyn smiled. 'See you then.'

I continued walking down the hall until I got to art. Natalie waved at me, as I walked in.

I waved back before I sat down at my table: the first one in the back corner facing the wall.

Roxanne sat next to me on my left. 'Hey, buddy o'pal of mine.'

I chuckled. 'Hey.' I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug. 'Where were you this morning?'

'I was running late. I missed the bus.'

'Oh.' I pulled out my art project from my backpack, as Macey and Isaiah slid in the seats across from Roxanne and me.

Danny sat next to me on my right and Natalie sat across from him next to Macey.

'Hey,' I said.

'Hey,' Danny said.

'How's your project going?' Natalie asked.

I looked down at it. We were working on an observational piece. We had to merge a picture of ourselves and a picture of something we loved together. I'd picked a picture of Kaitlyn performing on stage at the talent show as my second picture. The outline was going well, but I'd constantly erased Kaitlyn's face.

'It's okay,' I said. 'I keep messing up Kaitlyn's face.'

'It looks fine,' Danny said.

'No, you don't understand,' Isaiah said. 'This is a drawing of the love of her life, it can't be okay. It has to be perfect.'

Everyone chuckled.

'I can't capture the pure joy on her face,' I said.

'I'm sure you can do it,' Danny said. 'Just get in the right mind frame.'

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