The Moon

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Afterwards, the eight of us stood outside in the chilly night air. Griffin was kicking the side of the school softly, as he smoked a cigarette.

'Well, that was fun,' I said.

'Totally,' Isaiah added.

I wrapped my arm around Kaitlyn's shoulder and pulled her towards me. 'Having my girl dance with me all night was the best. I've got to say.'

Everyone chuckled.

Natalie held hands with Caiden and rested her head on his shoulder.

I was able to get a better look of Caiden now compared to the low light of the gym. He was fairly tall with the same tanned skin as Natalie. The beard on his face started at his cheekbones and was mixed in with freckles that sprinkled his cheeks. His eyes were the same color as Natalie's, but his eyes had a few flecks of gold swimming within them.

Griffin finished his cigarette and tossed it on the ground. He crushed it with his black sneaker. 'Who's ready for the after party?'

Everyone smiled.

'I know I am,' Macey said.

'Parrr-tay!' Roxanne cried, as she swung her head around, sending her braids flying.

Kaitlyn smiled. 'All right. I guess it's party time.'

Everyone went their separate ways as we walked to our designated cars. Macey, Kaitlyn, Isaiah, and I walked to Kaitlyn's car. I sat in the passenger seat, while Macey and Isaiah got in the back.

'I can't believe some of those freshmen were throwing it back like that,' Isaiah said.

I laughed.

'I was pretty shocked too,' Macey added.

Kaitlyn started driving.

'I didn't notice,' I said.

'That's because you were with me the whole night,' Kaitlyn retorted.

'Yeah, you didn't remove her body from yours the whole night,' Isaiah said.

Everyone laughed.

'I was not that bad,' I said between chuckles.

'Yeah, you were,' Isaiah said, matter of factly.

'I didn't mind,' Kaitlyn said, as she held my hand.

I smiled.

'Of course not,' Isaiah mumbled.

When we got to Kaitlyn's house, Kaitlyn parked in her garage. Caiden, Natalie, and Roxanne pulled up when we did and parked in the street. Kaitlyn, Isaiah, Natalie, Macey, and I walked in through the door inside the garage. Kaitlyn got the door for the others, as the rest of us piled into the living room.

Isaiah sat in the brown leather chair on the right of the couch. I sat on the far right side of the couch, while Macey was on the left. Roxanne, Natalie, and Caiden walked in. Natalie and Caiden sat next to me. Roxanne sat down near Macey on the floor. Kaitlyn walked in. She turned on the TV and walked past me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. Kaitlyn chuckled.

I placed a kiss on her neck. 'Where do you think you're going?'

Kaitlyn smiled. 'Apparently nowhere.' She laced her fingers through mine.

'So, what'd you think about the dance, Caiden?' I asked.

'It was nice,' Caiden said. 'I had fun.'

'Yeah, this dance was a good one.'

There was a knock on the door. Roxanne got up and answered the door. Griffin and Danny walked in.

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