Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

Everyone was silent as Louis continued to rant. "Marlon he--he was down. You had him beat!" and again.. "What the FUCK did you TEACH this kid!?". "Louis back off. Clementine taught AJ SURVIVAL. It's a lot harder out there than you think. so DON'T BLAME HER!" I shouted, causing Louis and the other kids to go quiet. I looked around and saw that Mitch was giving AJ a death glare, while readying his fist. I looked at Louis and he looked like he was about to do the same so I ran forward and shielded AJ with my arms. "Back off. I'm warning you.." I said, mostly glaring at Louis and Mitch. "Or what? You gonna let him kill one of us!?" Mitch shouted. "Fuck off Mitch!" I shouted and continued. "You've all lived in these walls while Clementine and AJ had to survive out there. The only thing they was surrounded by was danger, not walls like YOU. So cut them some slack!" I shouted. Mitch scoffed. "Back down dude.." Louis merely whispered, which shocked some of us. "Back off!? He was your best friend Louis! He didn't deserve that. Even if the shit he did is true.." He replied before walking off and roughly grabbing a shovel to start on Marlon's grave. "I--I..." Louis tried to say something but just sighed and walked off. "Give him some space. He'll hopefully come around." Violet said as she walked up to me. "Yeah. I think it's best if we all get some sleep and decide what happens tomorrow.." I said before glancing at Clementine. "Take him inside. We'll try die down the stress out they won't y'know...come attack you again..". She nodded her head. "Can I go with them?" Zuri's small voice came. Clementine replied for me. "Sure kiddo. If that's alright with Y/n.". Zuri looked at me and gave me puppy dog eyes. I gave a lighthearted laugh and nodded my head to give her the go ahead. She ran up to me and hugged me briefly before walking off with Clementine and AJ. 

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Violet turned to me. "Hey. You okay?" She asked. "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting to be doing--" I expanded my arms to symbolise the situation we had just got ourselves into "--This..." "Yeah... We should get some sleep. I've got a feeling we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow..." Violet replied. "Yeah, shit. I wouldn't be surprised if the others all wait outside of Clem's room with pitchforks and torches.." I replied, earning a chuckle from Violet. God that laugh...Hearing that just lightens the mood.. I snapped out of it and goofy smiled at Violet, before we both headed inside the dorm rooms and into our rooms, not before saying a brief goodnight. When I entered my room I was surprised to see Zuri, AJ and Clementine in there. "Uh..Hey." I said quietly. It was obvious that Clementine was trying to put AJ and Zuri to sleep, and it was cute to see that they wanted to sleep in the same bed. "AJ was scared to sleep alone and Zuri offered to sleep with him. I hope you don't mind." Clementine explained. "No, not at all. It's cute." I smiled. "Yeah..Well they're out cold." Clementine said before standing up from her crouched position and making her way to the door. "Well I better get going to my room. Cya." She said. "Yeah, cya." I replied before making my way to my bed and laying down. It wasn't long before I fell asleep. 

I must've woken up pretty early because Zuri and AJ were still fast asleep in the other bed. I smiled at the sight before quietly exiting the room. As I exited I came face to face with none other than Violet. "Shit Vi. You scared me!" "S--sorry, sorry." I just chuckled at her nervousness. "So what's up?" She scratched her neck another one of her nervous habits. "Everyone's up. I just wanted to get you and the others for the funeral..." She explained. "Oh..Okay.. Well AJ and Zuri are in my room, and Clementine's in hers." I replied. "Okay. I will get Clem. Can you wake up the kids?" She asked. "Sure thing." I replied before walking into my room again as she made her way down the hall, to go get Clementine. I walked over to the other bed where they both laid and gently shook them awake. "Guys time to wake up. We have to go to the funeral.." I said. After they both were awake we made our way out of the room. AJ rubbed his eyes and then held onto my right hand, while Zuri took my left. I'm happy to know that AJ trusts me, but I think it's just because he's nervous all the other kids will do something bad to him when he goes outside and he knows I'd protect him like I did last night. "You okay buddy?" I asked him as we walked into the hallway. "Yeah just scared.." He replied. "Where's Clem?" He asked. "She's in her room." "Can we go get her?" "Sure buddy." I said before we made our way to Clementine's room. I let go of their hands before knocking gently. "It's Y/n, With Zuri and AJ can we come in?" I asked before the door opened and AJ ran straight into Clementine's arms. Zuri held my hand again while AJ held Clem's. "Are we ready to go?" Violet asked. We all nodded in response and headed out into the courtyard.

When we got there all the other kids were in the graveyard. We all went over and the funeral started. Violet said some words for Brody and Tenn placed a picture at her grave. However Violet couldn't say any words for Marlon so I stepped up and said some myself. "Marlon. He was a friend to us all. I may have not known him on a personal level and we might not have been the best of friends but I feel as though I have to thank him for at least taking me in when I was dying out there with Zuri. However this doesn't change the things he did. I know I shouldn't be saying these now but we all must at least know that what Marlon did was wrong and that he's caused more pain than solved it. I don't want to go into too much detail and I don't want to bring the mood down anymore than it has so I'm going to end that speech there.." I said before walking away. I heard Mitch mutter "Bitch" and Louis told him to stop. "He was your BEST FRIEND Louis! And even at his own funeral he can't get any peace from the negative words!" Mitch shouted. I intervened. "HEY, I could've said a lot more but I choose to stop at that!". Violet put her hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down and at first I was tense but then I relaxed and felt all the stress go away. I smiled at Violet for a brief second before Mitch went into rage again. "They've got to fucking go! They're not staying here! We take a vote. They stay or they leave." "Fine whatever. We'll go wait in the dorms.." Clementine said before taking AJ's hand and leading him away. However AJ broke free of her hold and turned around to look at us. "Please don't make us leave..." He pleaded before Clem put her hand on his shoulder and turned him around. They both headed of to their room as the rest of us voted.

"Okay. Get in a line and we will take the votes, one by one." Violet said. "Willy?" "I vote they leave." He replied. "Okay, Ruby?" "I vote they stay...I don't feel right sending them back out to certain death." "Omar?" "I--I don't know..." "You don't have to vote if you don't want to." "I think I will pass." Omar said before glaring at the floor. "That's fine.." Violet replied. "Mitch?" "They're fucking going. I think I made that clear." "Fuck dude you don't have to be an arse about it." Louis said quietly. "Louis?..." "I'm sorry but they've got to go. Them being here just reminds me of what they've done and I can't bare to look at them right now.." He said quietly. "Okay. Aasim?" I vote that they-- Leave. I'm sorry." He replied. Violet sighed and Omar spoke up. "Actually I've changed my mind. I want to vote.. I'm sorry but I think they should leave.." He said. "Okay. Tenn?" "I vote they stay. I like AJ as a friend." "Zuri?" I looked down at her as she contorted her face. She was clearly thinking about something. I patted her shoulder and she looked up to me. "It's okay. Say whatever you want." I said and she smiled before voting. "I want them to stay. AJ's nice to me and Clementine is like another big sister. I don't want to see them go." She said. Violet smiled at the child before looking at me. "No pressure?" I joked. Knowing my vote could cause conflict. "Well.. I vote they stay. It's rough out there and... I don't want them to get hurt. There's not many of us humans left these days and Clementine has helped us enough already to prove they're worth keeping around. They're essential in helping us survive.." I said. "So it's 4 to stay and 5 to leave. Then they are fucking going!" Mitch said. "Wait. Violet hasn't voted." I pointed out. "I vote they stay." "Fuck of course you would. You fucking like the girl!" Mitch shouted. "No. I like someone else." Violet replied before saying. "So it's a tie. What do we do.?" "We flip a coin. Tails, they stay. Heads, they leave." Willy said before pulling out a penny. He flipped it and it landed on heads. "Well they leave." Willy said before him and the other kids dispersed and left the grave yard. Louis, Zuri, Violet and I stayed to work out how we were going to break the news.

We walked up to Clem and AJ's room and knocked on the door before entering. "We took the vote--" Violet sighed. "You have to leave." She finished. Zuri's face turned into a frown as she looked at AJ, the only person she had seen her age. "It's fine. We figured." Clementine said, sadly. "We will take you to the border of the safe zone, to make sure you get there safe." Louis said, quietly. "Does AJ still have that gun?" He asked. AJ grabbed his gun and showed it to everyone. "Hand it over." Louis said. "What no!..." I said. "Is this necessary?" Violet asked. "Hell yes it's necessary." Louis replied. "AJ's going to need it for protection. He keeps his gun." Clementine said. Louis sighed and retreated his hand before waiting by the door. "We will wait for you to pack your stuff." I said. Clementine grabbed her hat and bag and then we were off. 

We were out in the woods walking to the road at the end of the safe zone border. Violet, Louis, Zuri and I were behind while Clementine and AJ were up ahead. Louis and Clementine kept arguing the whole way there and Violet and I were just as annoyed at their constant bickering. Once we reached the safe zone border, Louis lectured AJ about his gun and then just took off. Clementine, Violet and I exchanged sad goodbyes while Zuri and AJ hugged goodbye. Once we had exchanged our goodbyes, Violet, Zuri and I headed off in the direction we came from thinking we'd never hear or see from Clementine and AJ again. Boy was we wrong..

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