Chapter 10

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3rd Person POV

Clementine ran to catch up with the two young kids. Once she had caught up with them they all made there way to where Clementine and AJ had last saw James, at his camp. "What's this James guy like?" Zuri had just asked AJ. "Well, he's a little shy and quiet, but he helped us by sending in walkers. He, like, wears walker skin to guide herds." AJ replied. Clementine smiled at the two, as they continued to talk. Once they reached James' camp they were all surprised to see it overfilled with walkers. They all crouched behind a tree log and looked on to see if they could see James within the walkers. However, that was short lasted as a small cough came from behind. They all jumped and turned around to see James, who was currently holding his arm, which was bandaged and bleeding. "You're hurt." AJ claimed as James rubbed his injured arm. They all crouched behind the log again as Clementine spoke. "Did the raiders do this?" She enquired. "It looked like they....had people from your school." James said. "Why are you here?" He then asked the three. "Those people you saw, we're going to save them." Clementine had replied before continuing with "But to do that we need your help with moving some walkers." "I could maybe help but...My mask is still in the camp..Inside my bag." James said. "I can't pass through a herd without it...". "Okay then let's go get it." Clementine said, getting up and pulling out her knife. James panicked and asked that she just distracts them, instead of killing them before walking of to the side and out of there site, waiting for Clementine to distract the walkers so that he can sneak back into his camp and get his mask back. 

Clementine hopped over the log and started gathering the walkers in the area, leading them away from Jame's camp, and occasionally hitting them in the knees to knock them down. After a while of doing this James had reached his camp and Clementine joined him. Meanwhile AJ and Zuri were watching from a far hoping the two will be okay. "I don't know how long I can keep this up." Clementine said as she approached James. "I can't find my mask...The horses must've....There!" He said, pointing to a satchel close by. The walkers started closing on the two and Zuri and AJ knew they had to do something so they both grabbed the nearest rocks that they could lift and stood on the log. "Hey over here!" AJ shouted, drawing the attention of the walkers away from Clementine and James. "No..There's to many of them.." James said, looking on in horror. Clementine looked around and saw a cart. "There. If we push that the noise will draw them away." She said, walking over to the cart with James in tow and pushing it, until it hit a tree. The noise started drawing the attention of the walkers and Clem and James quickly hid behind a rock. Once the walkers had all walked by them they both got up and ran to James' bag where he pulled out his mask. "Thank you for helping me get this back." He said, before putting the mask away. "Now, how will walkers help save your friends?" He asked. "They're being held captive on a boat, not too far from here--" Clementine started "We can't sneak on board without cover. Not without the raiders gunning us down." She finished. "You want to use walkers to hide? To sneak on board there ship? That's insane!" James said, seeming to be against this idea. "It's our only chance.." Clementine replied, looking down at the floor. 

"I have something I need you to see.." He said. Zuri and AJ came running up to them, intrigued to know what James was on about. He began walking off, the others following after a moment of hesitation, seeing as this wasn't going to help them get their friends back. He took the three to some old, worn down looking barn. James walked off to the doors and waited there for Clementine. Clem took this time to look around before she went to see what James wanted her to see so she went over to AJ, who was looking curiously at a salt lick, and Clementine reminisced on the memories that had brought to her. "What's this?" AJ asked her as she approached. "It's called a salt lick. Don't lick it though." "Why? Did you lick it?" AJ asked her, looking at her with eyebrows raised. "I don't know." Clementine replied, exactly as she had all of those years ago when Lee asked her the same question. Clementine walked away and over to Zuri who was looking over a beat up toy, from the disco broccoli series, formally known as beet-nick. "Who's this?" She asked. "Beat-nick." Clementine replied, smiling as the little girl picked up and pocketed the toy to take back with her. 

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