Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

I had been right. Of course I had. It wasn't hard to tell that Liam and Niall would want nothing to do with me. Even I didn't want anything to do with me. Neither Liam nor Niall had visited me yesterday, and today I was finally getting out of this depressing building. I never understand how people could work at hospitals. It smelt like death and where there is death, there is mourning. Mourning means there are people who care enough about you to be sad and crying. Something that I never had. To say I was excited to leave this place would be a huge understatement. An understatement, however, I was willing to make. The brown haired nurse walked in with a sickly sweet smile. What the fuck is she so happy about?

"Good morning, Mr. Styles!" She beamed happily, "Are you excited to get out? You've been here for a couple of days, right? Won't it be nice to go see your friends? It is a beautiful day out for it being December!" I stared at nurse while she chatted away. I don't know why she was so excited about the weather, but hey, as long as she's getting this stupid IV out of me it's fine. By the time I was ready to get out of the bed the nurse had expressed her readiness for christmas, and the snow that had yet to come. She didn't seem the least bothered by the fact I hadn't spoken a word to her-not that she paused enough to give me a chance to-but something told me that she didn't expect me to. Not that I minded at all. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk, but nevertheless, it was nice to hear about someone's happy life for a change.

"Ok, sweetheart, your mother already signed out your papers, but she could not pick you up so some of your friends came!" She informed me while leading me out the door and down the hallway. I wonder who it was. "They seemed really excited to see you! Not to mention happy for you because you finally get your life back!" She laughed happily. I couldn't help but think about how much she would be laughing if she knew what my life was like. She would probably be rolling on the ground pissing her pants while thinking how much I totally deserved it, and more. My breathing hitched when I saw Niall and Liam waiting for me. Wait a second, they weren't waiting for me! There was no way! They were probably waiting for somebody else. Yeah, someone else. However, my suspicions where proved wrong when Niall spoke up.

"Harry! There you are mate! Liam and I were waiting for you!" He said gleefully while pulling me into a huge, warm hug. "I know it's only been a day but I missed you!" I slowly hugged him back as his words echoed in my mind: 'I know it's only been a day but I missed you!' Missed me? Did he really miss me?

"Did you really miss me?" I blurted out before I could think and stop myself from asking such a horrible question. Niall pulled back and looked me in the eyes while he answered.

"Yeah of course I did! Why would you ask such a silly question? I mean who wouldn't miss you?" The Irish lad asked me. I opened my mouth then closed it. I repeated this action a couple of times as I tried to come up with an answer. There were so many possibe answers, but how do you tell this ball of joy that no one liked me therefore never had a reason to miss me.

"Nevermind that Niall. Harry just got out of the hospital; he's probably straving. You know that the hospital food isn't that good. Why don't we go somewhere to eat?" Liam asked both of us, saving me from having to answer that question. I knew that he knew exactly what he was doing. Liam knew I didn't want to answer the question and helped me. For that I was grateful, and if I could get some food out of it who was I to say no?

"Y-yeah. That s-sounds like a wonderful I-idea, but where?" I asked as I raced my hand through my untidy curls. I didn't care where we ate as long as I got it. I was, Infact, straving as Liam had said.

"Oh! I know!" Niall jumped up and down with excitement, "Let's go to Nandos!"

"Like I didn't see that one coming!" Liam laughed while he started to lead us down the hallway then looked over at me. "We brought my car here, so don't worry we don't have to walk across town." I nodded and just followed behind Niall and Liam. I had no idea what Liam's car looked like because he always preferred walking so it was up to them on showing me where it was. When we got in the car I noticed that Niall had been quiet and looked a bit down in the dumps at the moment. I wanted to know what was wrong so when Liam started driving I made my move.

"H-hey, mate. What's w-wrong?" I asked him while leaning forward in my seat to get closer to him. Niall looked up at me with such sad blue eyes that I just wanted to hug him and give him all the food in the world. Weird. I never thought that I would care so much about someone being sad.

"I'm just sad because you started stuttering again," Niall mumbled and looked down at his hands. "It just makes me so sad because it's like you're afraid of us. Like you're scared of us hitting you or something." I looked at him shocked. Was he really sad about that? Did it really matter so much to Niall?

"Niall, I'm n-not scared of y-you guys." I told him with a frown. Now it was his turn to look surprised.


"Y-yeah," I said truthfully, which intern was surprising to me. What I said was actually true, I wasn't afraid of them. Niall clapped his hands happily as his sad expression morphed into a happy one. His expression brightened even more up when he realized that we were at Nando.

"I-I've never been h-here before," I mumbled taking in the front of the building. Niall gasped and pulled me out of the car.

"You poor deprived child!" Niall exclaimed while pulling me close into his arms. "Don't worry, Brother Niall will fix you!" without any warning, he started to pull me into the front door. Liam followed us laughing as he shook his head disapprovingly, however he made no move to stop us. Niall pulled me up to the front and started ordering everything. When he was done ordering the entire menu himself, then ordering the entire menu again for me we sat down at a booth. When I had asked him why we didn't just share I had been informed that 'The Nialler does not share his food.' Now was the hardest of the whole Nando eating process: the waiting. Well, according to Niall anyways. While we were waiting Liam spoke up from being mostly silent the entire trip.

"Harry, I think it's time we had a talk." Liam said very seriously. I gulped. Uh oh.


And that's a wrap! This chapter is longer then the last one! Woohoo! Hopefully it's the usually length I make it. If not, I'll be sad. Oh well! What did you guys think of the chapter? PLEASE tell me! Question: what do you think Liam is gonna talk about? I love you guys, and have a great day!

~ Abby

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