New town, New friends

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I woke up to the sound of a car door opening. Finally, I can get out of this stuffy vehicle. I got out and stretched.

"Good..." my mom looked at her watch and continued, "...Evening, sleeping beauty."

I rolled my eyes and moved towards the back of the car. I didn't even bother looking at our new house. What's the point? They all looked the same.

My mom worked for a huge interior design company and we moved wherever her next project was. I was used to it by now. It's not like I had another option. Obviously, the company picked out and paid the rent as they were the reason we never stayed in one place. I never understood why they couldn't just rent a hotel room for us instead, but in the end, it was their decision.

I picked up one of the larger boxes and carried it to the front porch, repeating the process until we had all of 'em stacked neatly in piles. My mom took her keys out, kicked the door open and went in to explore. I, being the responsible one out of the two, started moving in our belongings.

Two hours later I had opened up all the necessary boxes and arranged them around the house. As much as the brown cardboard irritated me, I had only one week left to make friends and explore the town before school started, and trust me walking around alone on the first day of school was not an ideal situation.

I went in search of my mom to ask her if I could borrow the car. I found her in her room, she had already fully unpacked and was laying on her stomach with a random high school rom-com novel in her hand. She was wearing a baggy old shirt and mini shorts. Sometimes I wondered which one of us were in their teenage years.

"Can I borrow the car?" she looked up, startled at my sudden appearance.

With a confused look on her face, she asked, "What? Sorry, I didn't hear you."

With an exhausted expression on my face, I asked again, "Can I borrow the car?"

"Yeah sure. You know the rules. drive safe, limit your alcohol consumption and be back by eleven."

" Yeah, Yeah" I walked out of the room and walked over the entrance and found the key hanging on a hook. Next to a small shoe rack, there was a huge full-length mirror. I observed my reflection carefully from head to toe. I was wearing a pencil skirt with a cropped hoodie, my hair was in two braids and my feet were adorned with my new Adidas. I wanted to look friendly, but not too desperate. I removed my braids and put it up in a messy bun. I strolled out of the house and got into the car.

I drove until I saw what looked like a tiny cafe. I stopped the car and strode out in hopes of coffee. I walked over to the counter and found a girl who looked about my age behind it.

"Hey, welcome to our cafe, and our, town I suppose. What would you like to have?"

"Iced coffee, feel free to add any additional flavour to it, and how did you know I was new? It's kinda creeping me out" I replied.

"It is a small town " she laughed it off and got to work.

I took a place in the corner and went through my unopened texts. I heard someone approaching and saw it was the girl from the counter. She slid into the seat across from me and pushed my drink toward my side of the table.

" So....What's your name? " she asked.

" Aster Marlene, aged seventeen. I will be starting my senior year next week and my hobbies include dancing and reading. " I replied in a serious tone, as if I were being interrogated.

After a second of silence, we doubled over in laughter as she introduced herself between giggles, " Jenna Stephaes, seventeen likewise. Dance team captain and track during Spring. I guess we'll get to know each other soon enough. "

" I hope so " I smiled back. She seemed friendly enough. Her platinum blonde hair was made to look even more unique with for hot pink highlights and her hazel eyes stood out.

She continued to quiz me about my life and I was happy to answer her. We spoke for around fifteen minutiae before the bell jingled indications the arrival of a customer.

She stood up from her seat and addressed me with a sweet smile, "Nice meeting you, I have to get back to work but I'll be off in a few minutes. I'm going to meet up with a few friends, you should tag along."

"I'd love to " I replied enthusiastically. she grinned at me and returned to her position behind the counter.

I went back to my phone and went through my texts.

Jake : I miss you <3

Aster : awww miss you too
Aster: what made you think of me?

Jake : I'm at the ice cream parlour and I saw cookie dough flavour :)

Aster : XD glad I'm still in your mind

Jake was one of the few friends I had continued to talk to after moving. He was familiar, safe and kind. He understood things that no one else did and was the closest thing I ever had to a best friend.

I spoke to him for a bit longer after which I opened Wattpad on my phone and continued reading a book I had started during the drive. And with coffee in one hand and a book in another I slowly settled into a peaceful state of mind.

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