New pictures, New deals

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Noah entered the closet behind me and shut the door. He searched for some source of light and sighed with content when he finally found a switch.

"Noah? Why are we here?" I asked him, my voice thick with worry.

He didn't reply but simply pulled out his phone and showed me a text message from an unsaved number. More specifically a picture. It was dark but you could clearly recognise my blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. My back was against a tree and Noah was pressed up against my body. From the picture it looked as if we were kissing and maybe even more since only our faces were seen. It was from the first night we met. How was that possible? No one was there. It was only the two of us.

Below the picture there was a small message

Noah's next target? Or is he already done with her?

I gasped at how rude that sounded. I didn't believe that Noah was like that. For the past couple of days I had got to know him better and he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. Apart from the horrible nicknames.

"Wait why are they calling me a target?"

His eyes glistened in the dark, the sorrow in his eyes evident.

"I'm so sorry, Aster. I didn't mean for this to happen. I..I don't know who took that picture or how they took it, but I promise that I won't rest in peace until I find out..."

I didn't let him finish and instead wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Hey, calm down." He started breathing normally. "Now explain"

"It's just I have a bad reputation around here. I told you before that I haven't had any serious relationships. And that's true but I'm a guy and I have needs so I went out with girls sometimes. I'd always make sure to tell them that I didn't want anything serious. I guess they all just hoped that they could change me, but I knew that I couldn't, wouldn't change. I'm sorry you had to go through this. You don't deserve this..."

I cut him off this time by placing a finger on his lips.

"What if I told you I had a solution?" I asked him.

He remained quiet so I proceeded, "We could maybe..I don't know...fake date" I stated, my tone kind of nervous. "That way the rumours about you not having any serious relationships will stop."

"Why do you want to help me?" He smiled sadly. He took my hand in his and held it gently.

"Hey you're my friend right? And friends help each other? Besides guess what kind of respect I'll get for dating such a hot guy?" I smiled back at him. I didn't want the respect or the attention that would come with it. But he was Noah...

He pulled me into a quick hug. Just as we were parting, the door opened.

"Hey, I just saw the message and I came here as soon as...ummm what's happening over here?" Jenna asked.

I saw a tear roll down her face, but she was smiling. She pulled us both into her tiny little arms.

"That is the first time I've seen Noah be affectionate with anyone besides me. Congratulations Aster, you've done the impossible." They, especially Jenna, looked so happy and that was all the reassurance I needed that I made the right choice.

We went back into the cafeteria and sat down in a table in the centre. They explained to me that seating arrangement was made such that the seniors got the table in the middle and the freshmen at the outskirts such that the juniors and sophomore were sandwiched in between. I found it hilarious that they followed these rules perfectly.

The day was pretty un-eventful thereafter and so were the weeks following it. We came to school during the day and hung out at the coffee shop afterwards, completing our homework in the process. By now, the whole school pretty much assumed that Noah and I were a "thing". We grew closer and sometimes I even forgot that it was all fake, that was until the truth slapped me on the face and brought me back to reality.

As promised Jenna gave me a spot on the dance team and even made me co-captain after a few tryouts with the other eligible candidates.

My life was going well and I was as happy as I could get. 


My cellphone beeped and I glanced at it.

Or at least that's how everyone else saw it.

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