New emotions, New thoughts [ Noah's POV ]

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Noah's POV [ just before Aster comes up with the idea in the closet ]

I received the message the moment the bell rang for lunch.


I ran as quickly as I could to the cafeteria, not wanting to make Aster face those annoying Children's stares. It was bad enough that people spoke about me due to my mom's illness, but Aster didn't deserve this. Poor girl.

When I reached the hallways that led straight to the cafeteria I didn't here anything.

Huh? That was strange.

That was when I noticed Aster at the entrance.

Oh god. Why?!

I strode upto her and pushed into the closest janitor's closet, the only place you could get any privacy in this goddamn school.

I frantically searched for the light switch and sighed in relief when I found it.

She says something but I don't pay attention to it. I find my phone, open the message and show it to her. She started at the screen for a few seconds before taking a sharp breathe. I guess she read the caption.

She asks me for the reason they are calling her a target. I start apologising profusely and as I begin to explain i start panicking. In an attempt to make me slow down she pulls me into a hug. Nope. Does not help. Instead I stop breathing all together. She takes this as a sign that I'm back to normal and asks me to proceed. I continue and slowly feel my heart beat wave away from the norm again.

This time she places a single finger on my lip. Done. I think I'm in heaven. The only thing that could be better would be if it was her lips instead of a finger.

Then she opens her mouth and all the air vanishes from my body. She wants us to fake date. Heck! I was planning on asking her out the second second all this mess was over. But i had to take the options that life offered me. And here we are,  fake dating. I hate this bloody school.

I pretended to be grateful. Well not completely pretend. I was thankful but...I wanted more. I always wanted more. That was my problem. 

I pulled her into a tight hug. I would get what i wanted through the course of time. However, for now this was enough.

A few seconds later Jenna came in and started crying. She explained that they were tears of happiness.I thought I was going to completely loose it. Like seriously? Who cries because their best friend hugged someone? Man I will never understand girls.


Over the next few weeks I started spending more time with Aster. The more time I spent with her I realised that I was falling for her hard. She made me laugh all day, every day. my mind was permanently consumed by thoughts of Aster. Even her name made me feel something in the depths of my heart.

Damn it. I sound like a chick.

All those girls who wanted to change me? They couldn't. Over all these years they couldn't. But Aster Marlene? All she needed were a few weeks and I was falling into a deep hole . I was done with these games.

I needed her. Now.

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