New mindsets, New blues

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Noah dropped us off at Jenna's house, then walked down the street and got us some ice-cream and popcorn, comfort food. Meanwhile Jenna just sat on the sofa. She didn't even blink and was just staring at the wall. Her dress hugged her petite figure. Her hair clung to the sides of her face, dampened by the tears.

It pained me to look at her in this state. This wasn't Jenna. I couldn't believe that someone would do this to her. The pain of betrayal was immense, something I would never wish upon anyone.

She continued to stare at the wall and I accompanied her. I heard a soft knock at the door and slowly got up to open the door. I was surprised to be face to face with the biggest tub of ice cream I've ever seen.

"Where on earth did you find that huge thing?" I asked, with my eyes wide open due to curiosity.

"The supermarket?" He pushed through.

"Here you go Jen" he handed over the ice cream, followed by the bag bag, then proceeded to move toward the shelf where all the movies were kept.

"One, two or three?"He asked Jenna. The next sentence was addressed towards me. "The only thing that makes her laugh no matter what" he explained while holding up the three High School Musical movies.

He settled down next to her after setting up the movie and she nestled her head into his chest. She moved for the first time since we reached her house. Instantly I felt out of place.

I took a seat at the edge of the sofa. Occasionally I heard Jen sob and Noah would move slightly, trying to make her feel comfortable.

When I was sure that the two of them were asleep, I tiptoed toward the television and switched it off. I found a blanket draped it around the two best friends, careful not to wake them up.

I found my way back out the door and began the ten minute walk to my house. The cold breeze slapped against my face, my hair flapping around in the wind.

It was always like this. Whenever I felt a bond with someone, they always had something greater. I was always second. Despite having felt it before, the pain was compounded every single time.

Life always punished the good people. So the more I fell, the higher I will fly, right?

Or that's what I told myself. However, sometimes it just wasn't enough. How much more could I endure. Why was it always like this?

A single tear rolled down my face.

I swiftly wiped it away. This would not defeat me. I was stronger than this. Braver.

And by the time I came to this conclusion, I had the reached the front porch of my house. I went in and found my mom on the sofa. She was asleep and yet the television was running. I mentally rolled my eyes.

I walked over and pulled her up with both my hands. I dragged her over to the room upstairs and tucked her into bed. How many more people did I have to put to sleep?

I walked into my room and changed into something more comfortable. I lay in the darkness for hours and cried myself to sleep.


The next morning I woke up just shy of noon. as I found my way downstairs, I spotted my mom making breakfast and settled on the counter. 

"Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?" She turned around.

"Not really" I replied and settled back, leaning against the wall.

" Aww, how come?" she asked, frowning.

"Not much I was just not tired" I lied.

She seemed satisfied with the answer and repositioned herself to face the stove. a few minutes later she sat down beside me and we ate our breakfast in silence.

After she was done she got up just as she started speaking, "Aster, I have some important but unfortunately disappointing news for you. We're moving, again."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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