New revelations, New questions

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One week before homecoming Jenna went all crazy dance team captain on us. We were performing at half time and although we were as perfect as we were going to get, Jen kept trying to find fault with us. Every time she left the room, I had to do some damage control and beg the team not to quit.

Jenna was a wonderful dancer and captain. However, when it came to performances she worked the team too hard. She pushed them till the edge and that was good. It's why we needed a captain. I played the roll of supportive co-captain and brought them back to the flat land.

After practice we headed to the coffee shop. It was Friday evening but Jen had to work 'cause one of the employees had called in sick. Eye mentally rolled my eyes at the thought.

When we reached there, we saw that Noah was already waiting for us. Jen went to the break room to get her apron. Noah approached me. As he walked over I noticed an unrecognisable emotion in his eyes. His shoulders were relaxed but his eyes told a different story. Over the past couple weeks I had learnt that Noah was afraid to showcase his real feelings. The trick of the trade? Look at his eyes. They said everything.

"Hey Blondie. Wanna go for a walk?" He smirked.

"Sure" I was used to the stupid nickname by now. The first few weeks I had tried to fight it off but I soon realised that Noah was like a child. The more i told him not to do something he went out of his way to do it.

When Jen came out we told her about our plans. She whined about the fact that she had to work while we had fun.

We meandered around the town until Noah found a small park that was completely secluded. We each sat down on a swing with our legs hanging on both sides such that our bodies were facing each other.

Noah looked nervous about something. I couldn't figure out the reason though.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" I told him.

"Yeah...I just...ugh. This is so hard" He stammers. "Okay let me just say it...Here goes nothing...So basically over the last couple of days I've got to know you so well. I feel happy around you and I have no clue why since all we ever do is make fun of each other." He laughs "What I'm trying to say is...Aster Marlene, will you be my Girlfriend? And not this fake thing. My real girlfriend." He finishes, satisfied with his declaration.

I don't say anything but simply get up and walk over to him.I curl my fingers around his and pull him up. He follows me. I push him against a tree.

"You never did get that kiss, did you?" I whisper before I place my lips onto his.

He stays still for a few seconds before his lips start moving against mine. At first he's slow, as if he's savouring every moment. Like i would change my mind any second.

As time passes his kisses get more possessive. He flips up around such that my back is against the tree this time. His lips leave mine and trail a path of paper-kisses along my jaw and neck. I giggle.


Noah's back is against the same tree, but this time he was sitting down. My back is against his chest and I'm sitting between his legs. My head was against his shoulders as we whispered to each other.

I recollected all the times i felt out of place. When I felt like i had no one to lean on. I never had a "Home". I had found my home. Noah was my home.

I felt Noah shift behind me.

"Hey Aster? Can i tell you something?" He asked hesitantly.

i twisted myself and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Anything" I smiled.

"You remember the first day of school? When everyone was staring at me?"

"Yes, it was the first time i held your hand" I said. He smiled down at me.

"The reason they were staring was because...mymomhascancer" He blurted out.

His mom has what now!? Cancer!?

I jerked my head back in a swift motion.

"Is that why you weren't able to complete your senior year last time? Wait no...wrong question. How do you manage to stay so joyful?" I asked in a daze.

"It's better now. We figured it out in the early stages so her body was not too weak. The medications have been working well so the doctors have hope." The hint of a smile played on his lips." You know what will make her happy? Meeting my girlfriend. Will you come meet her?"

"Are you kidding? Duh. Just tell me when and where" I responded.

We settled back into a comfortable silence again. There was a small part of my brain screaming at me to confess my secret too. I knew I should tell him. It was the right thing to do.

"Hey Noah? I have something to tell you too." I looked up at him anxiously.

"Sure, Babe"

"I...umm..I've been receiving some weird messages." This alerted him."They're not creepy, just mean. They're from an unknown number and i just keep ignoring them, but they're not stopping..." A single tear rolls down my face.

Noah pulls me to himself and wraps his arms around me protectively. I burry my face into his shoulders.

"Can I see?" He asks.

I pull out my phone and hand it over to him.

"The password is 1030" I press the side of my cheek to his chest and feel his chest rise up and down quicker as he scrolls through the comments.

"Woah" He mutters under his breath. He sucks in a sharp breath. I guess he reached the latest one.

"I'm going to kill this person once I see them"

"Hey, no violence. Promise? We will report them to the proper authorities, with evidence, and the rest will be taken care of. Yeah?"

"Why do you have to be so mature in every single situation? I mean just act impulsively for once in you life."

"I did and see what that got me into" I smirked up at him.

As I looked up at him in the darkness I felt something in my stomach. It was then that I realised that I was falling. I was faking deep. But it didn't matter. Noah would catch me.

I had a boyfriend.

He pouted his lips and made sad eyes. I leaned up and kissed his lips again. And again. And again, until it was too dark to see anything.

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