New hideout, New games

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Jenna came up to me after her shift and we left in my car. She directed me through her small, yet beautiful town. We stopped at what looked like a local kids park. As we got out of the car and walked through the greenery, Jenna explained that the park belonged to the kids till eight after which the teens took over. It was never stated out loud but was an unspoken rule among the natives.

We walked for a few minutes and reached what seemed to be a dead-end. Jenna went behind a tree and untied the rope secured around its trunk. She tugged on it until a curtain of creepers rose above and gave way to a secluded section of the park.

I was amazed by the sight, my jaw dropped to the floor and I froze.

" Hello? Earth-to-Aster?" Jenna waved her hand frantically in front of my face.

" Yeah, I'm here " I said softly, still in a daze. " What is that? And how on earth did you make it? "

" Oh, that old thing. Noah, Seth and I built it a few years ago when we first discovered this section of the garden. we didn't want to share it with anyone so we built this curtain with leaves and a long branch. I took us all summer to make this place our own, but it was worth it." She explained,clearly proud of this creation.

Just as I opened my mouth to enquire about Noah and Seth, Jenna started, " and before you ask who Noah and Seth are let me explain. Noah has been my best friend since we were four. Seth was always there but we were never that close. That was until he asked me out two years ago. We've been inseparable since." She stated.

"Wow, I've only ever dreamed of having such relationships. My mom's job requires us to shift a lot and every time I make a new friendship or get attached to someone, it hurts to leave them. I make a few friends but never bother with serious relationships or even friendships for that matter." I said with a little touch of sorrow evident in my voice.

She frowned for a second before she quickly pulled me into a hug. I may have not known this girl for long but I had a feeling in my gut that this one would remain special for a long time.

I pulled back smiled at her only to notice the sight beyond the barrier. There were a few wooden chairs around a small pit filled with wood. Next to the chairs I saw a small chest of drawers.

" What's in that?" I asked gesturing towards the wooden box.

" It just has a few blankets, some snacks and books. sometimes we just like to sit here and chat or read. " she proceeded to open one of the cabinets and removed some matchsticks. She went on to start the fire, humming to herself and working effortlessly, like she had practised this routines for years.

I heard footsteps approaching, just as Jenny finished lighting the fire. She turned her head and jumped into a guy's arms and pulled him in for a kiss. Yup, definitely the boyfriend. Once she got off him, I extended my hand out to shake his.

"Aster Marlene, pleasure to meet you." I offered.

"Seth, this beauty's boyfriend " he pulled Jenny closer to her as she lifted her eyes up to meet his and they shared the most love-filled look I've ever seen.

"Cut it out you two. You'll make me sick." A deep voice said as the most beautiful boy in all of existence stepped out of the dark. His golden hair that shimmered in the dark, fell onto his face almost distracting me from his deep green eyes. I said almost.

" Hey, NoNo " Jenny said in a sing song voice. It sounded as if she was deliberately trying to annoy him. He rolled his eyes an walked over to her placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

It was then that he noticed me, "Introduce me to your pretty friend, Jen" he said throwing a playful smile my way

" Cut it off Noah, she's new. She can't be your next game. " Jenny rolled her eyes.

" Okay then, if you want to be rude, I'll get to know her myself. " he said making it a point to frown in fake disappointment before he turned his focus to me.

"Hey, Noah Sedita. Her Best friend" he said nodding towards Jenny," and his..."

"Let me guess, destroyer if he hurts her? "

" Guess that sums it up. Cute and smart, I see."

"I travel a lot, I observe things." I shrugged.

"Is it just us tonight?" Seth asks, interrupting our flirty banter.

"Nope. I texted Jonah and Tess, they're bring the food and drinks. Amy and Levi will be here later too, they said something about family dinner."

Everyone soon settled down, Seth and Jenny on the double seater. I took the seat next to Noah and we continued talking about our favourite books and authors. It turned out we read a lot of things in common but that was not surprising as I read anything and everything that was in my hand. Not having many friends had its perks and free time was one of the most advantageous.

After everyone else arrived and introductions were made, Tess suggested we played a game. Everyone agreed upon spin the bottle and we started. The twist was that every third turn we went behind a tree and well, kissed there instead.

The game started and Jenny spun the bottle first. The bottle whirled wildly until it came to a stop at Seth. How predictable. A few more rounds went in until it was Noah's turn. If my calculations were right it would mean this was the ninth spin.

The bottle twisted and turned for what seemed like hours until it stopped at my feat. I dreaded looking down, that it would be pointing at me. I opened one eye and slowly peeked at my feet. Sure enough, it was right there, unaffectedly indicating that I'd have to go behind the tree with none other than 'NoNo'. He got up and stretched out his hand and I hesitantly took it and pulled myself up, following him.

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