Chapter Five: Secrets (Luka POV, third person)

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      "See ya then!" I called back to Adrien as I walked away toward my house. The crickety wooden stairs led up to a big wooden balcony covered in potted plants and wind chimes, and the spot gave way to a beautiful view of Paris. From there you could see the Eiffel Tower and the gorgeous sunrises and sunsets.
      When I was younger, and would get mad at my sister, Juleka , for tugging my hair or get mad at my mom for not giving me ice cream for dinner, I would come out side and sit criss cross next to the railing of the balcony. I would rest my head against the bars on the railing and watch the sunset in the evenings. Because of the awning that covered the top, I could also hang out there while it rained. I'd reach my tiny 10 year old hand out and feel the raindrops hit my palm. Seeing that old hunk of wood always gave me goosebumps.
       I swung open the door and peered inside.
      "Hey mom! I'm home.".
       I closed the door behind me and plopped my back pack down on the floor. Kicking off my sandals as I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, I called for my mom again.
       "MOM! YOU HOME!?".
       I heard a voice from the other room.
       "No, Mom's not home, stupid. Remember? She works late on Thursdays!".
Oh great. Juleka.
       I turned down the hallway and came into her room.
       "Thanks for reminding me, but can you stop talking to me from three rooms away? It's getting really annoying.".
       Jules raised one eyebrow and rolled her eyes as she slowly shook her head back and forth.
When I got in my room, I sighed a breath of relief.
Finally. I'm home.
I flopped down on my big comfy chair. I knew I needed to do guitar practice everyday (a personal goal) , but that didn't seem like something I wanted to do at the time. My old grey cat, Bandit, crawled up into my lap. He seemed very comfortable, but because he was old, his purr always sounded like he was dying. His wise dark brown eyes looked up at me as I took an evening nap.
I woke up to chatter in the other room. I dazily lifted myself up from the chair, sliding my feet into slippers at the front of my door as to not touch the freezing cold wood floors. I rubbed my eyes as I approached Juleka and mom sitting at the table eating chicken and rice takeout for dinner.
"Did sleeping beauty awake from her nap?" Mom jokingly squeaked. Juleka thought it was hysterical and burst out into laughter. I gave mom an annoyed look as my eyes hopped from mom to Juleka laughing her head off, and back to mom again.
"I'm just joking, Mr. Serious!".
"I know." I remarked, breaking into a light grin.
After I joined them for dinner and talked about school and what-not, I fell into an exhausted heap on my bed (even though I had taken a nap 2 hours previous).
My phone buzzed, and I sat up to answer it.
"Hey babe, you excited to go to dinner tomorrow night? I can't wait!".
I smiled to myself. My girlfriend is always such a dork.
"Yea, I'm excited, too! See you then!".
Putting my phone on my bed stand, I lied back down, and fell asleep again.
Kagami is so adorable.


Oh goodness! What a plot twist! What would Adrien think of Luka having Kagami as a girlfriend and not being interested in him!? And what will happen with the main storyline (Adrien telling his very good friend about Luka) yet to come?!
(Btw, this is officially my longest part! It's 630 words, and the others have ranged from about 460-580 words!).


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