Chapter Thirteen: Flirtatious (Adrien POV, first person)

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Thursday afternoon once school was over, I suddenly remembered my little meetup that Lila had forced on me. I remembered on the way out of class as I stopped walking for a second and rolled my eyes from the thought.
I really didn't feel any romantic feelings toward Lila, but I could tell she felt those kind of feelings towards me and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Lila seemed nice enough, and I knew that I needed to be in sort of relationship to make myself feel better from the last couple days previous.
I slowly walked down the sidewalk and took a different turn to get to the coffee shop. As I made my way down the street, I suddenly spotted the cafe and jogged towards it, stopping in front of the tiny store to look up at the glowing green neon sign. The cafe shop was named "Café D'oie Verte", meaning "Green Goose Cafe". I wasn't really sure why it was called that, but I walked in the quaint place with optimism.
"Adriennn!" a voice whined.
I shifted my view to the left of the store to see Lila sitting at a tiny table for two. Her legs were crossed, and she wore her usual red long sleeve shirt. Her hands waved frantically to get my attention. I cringed as I approached the teenage girl and sat across from her in a tiny wooden chair.
       "Sooo... have you ever been to this place?", I asked, attempting to make peace with her.
       "Yea I come here a lot, but it's better now that you're here.", She said dreamily as she rested her hand on her palm and twirled a lock of her dark brown hair with her finger.
       "I'm gonna go order a drink or something...".
       I got out of my chair to walk over to the counter.
       "I think I forgot my wallet, can you get me something? Pleaasssee?!" Lila whined.
        I rolled my eyes, "Yea, sure.".
        Lila spit out a huge order of a large latte and a croissant. I rolled my eyes again as I made my way to the register.
        A short red haired women approached me behind the register.
        "Hello! What would you like today?", she enthusiastically asked as a smile spread over her features.
        "Oh I'll have a medium latte, a croissant, a small strawberry smoothie and a BLT sandwich.".
       " would that be all for today?".
      "That'll be 12 dollars and 50 cents.".
      I handed her a twenty dollar bill and got back my change as I headed back to Lila's and my table.
"The food will be ready in a couple of minutes.", I informed her as I sat down uncomfortably near my date.
Lila smirked and scooted her chair around the circular table, now sitting right next to me.
"So what do you want to do after this?", she questioned, her face leaning in towards mine. She went to touch my chest with her hand but I quickly flinched the other direction and scooted further away from her.
She pouted, her red bottom lip sticking out in frustration.
"Order up! Order for Adrien! Order for Adrien!".
What a perfect excuse to walk away and get Lila out of my face.
"That's... That's my order...", I said, pointing over to the short lady behind the counter.
She smiled from ear to ear.
"Thanks for getting me what I wanted Adriennn...".
"Your... your welcome..".
I stood up and got our orders.
When I sat back down, I set down Lila's latte and a small dark green bag with her croissant in it. I then set down my strawberry smoothie and proceeded to take a big bite out of my BLT sandwich.
Lila picked up her latte and took a sip. She then looked down at the label of the cup.
"You got a MEDIUM?! I asked for a LARGE you IDIOT!!".
"Hey at least I got you something, don't look a gift horse in the mouth!".
Lila looked at me with confusion and anger. She clearly didn't understand the expression.
"It's an expression.".
"That means what?".
"It means if someone gives you something you shouldn't be so picky!".
She gave an entitled look and scoffed at me as she unwrapped her croissant and took a dainty bite.
We sat in silence for five minutes or so. It was now about 4:30 in the afternoon, and I badly wanted to go home.
"Adrien," Lila began, "I'm really sorry.".
"For what?".
" For... for... umm..".
" Exactly.".
She stood up, picked up her bag and her croissant, and left.
I sat at the table by myself drinking my smoothie and finishing my BLT sandwich. When I was done, I picked up my empty cup, the bag that had my sandwich in it, and Lila's latte cup she accidentally left behind. I threw away the three items and proceeded to grab my backpack and make my way out the door. As I did so, I spotted someone sitting at one of the tables who looked familiar. They're small blue ponytails stuck out of a light pink hoodie, and they wore big bulky sunglasses. I immediately realized who they were.
Marinette turned her head to look at me and squirmed in her seat as I approached her.
"A-Adrien what are you doing here!?", She said, resting her chin on her palm.
"Oh um I was just hanging out with Lila...".
"LILA! REALLY?! Wow that's... that's so... COOL she seems rude- I mean nice!", she said, sticking out her hand in a thumbs up.
I noticed she originally said the word 'rude' and I couldn't help but agree.
"Yea... I guess she's okay....".
       We paused for a second.
       "So Mari, have you ever been here before?".
       "Oh, um yea I've been here once or twice. By the way, Adrien, are you um... feeling better?", she sincerely asked, pointing at my arm.
       "Oh um yea I am.".
       "Glad to hear it.".
       "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you later, Mari, ok?".
        "Ok Adrien. Bye!".
       As I walked out of the cafe and made my way to my house, I realized I really loved hanging out with Marinette. She was so kind and helpful, and always put herself in front of others. I stopped in my tracks when I realized something.
       Maybe Marinette could be more than just a friend.

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