Chapter One

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Chapter One:


My name is Ellie Grace. Im seventeen and I attend Liberty high school in Los Angeles, California. I guess you can say im manipulative, but its not my fault girls constantly want to take a ride on my fucked up merry go round.

"Ellie...Ellie....Ellie!" I opened my eyes annoyingly to see my sister standing there with her hands on her hips. I groaned and turned my head away from her, disregarding her attempt to talk to me. "I haven't seen you in months and this is how you greet me?!" She yelled. I pulled my blanket up higher, only to have her snatch it off of me.

"Dammit, Emma!" I sat up and looked at her. She just glared at me and shook her head. "Oh, im sorry." I gave a fake smile. "How is college?" She looked away from me, examining my room. "Mom said you were still sleeping so I came up to see if you were still the little shit you've always been." I threw my pillow at her.

she caught it and threw it back at me. "Really? A pillow." She then hugged me tight. "Get off!" I tried prying her off of me but she was stronger. "Okay! Okay! im happy to see you." She smiled and let me go. "Where's Dad?" She asked. I shrugged and stretched a little. She ruffled my hair and laughed. I slapped her hand. "Why are you so irritating?" She simply looked away and sighed. "I just missed you, Ellie."

I looked out the hall noticing the sound of my brothers cries. "He's more irritating than you though." Emma smiled again. "He's beautiful." I rolled my eyes. "It was fun at first but now it's Noah this and Noah that." I mocked in the most annoying voice I could make.

She laughed a little. "I remember when you were born. I loved you so much that I cried when mom told me you'd get older. I wanted you to stay tiny forever." I bit the inside of my cheek. "You're going to have to look after him you know?" She ran her fingers through my hair. I didn't slap her hand this time.

She stood and went to leave. "You go check on him, Alright? im going to go help mom with lunch." I nodded and sighed. "I also have a surprise for you later..." I heard her say as she went on down the hallway.

Probably a stupid dress or something.

I made my way into Noah's room. The walls were painted a light blue color. Pictures of cartoony animals were on hung on them and It smelled of baby powder and lotion.

I walked over to his crib and looked down at him. He slowly raised his chubby arm in the air and grasped a little. "Hey..." I ran my fingers over his golden hair. He then raised his other arm in the air and made that 'im about to cry' face.

I slowly lifted him from his crib and caressed his little cheek. He looked up at me, his blue eyes matching mine. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the nose. He sneezed and blinked a few times. "Stop being so cute." I whispered as he grabbed a hold of my hair, softly tugging at it.

He was so soft.

I smiled as I watched him stick out his little tongue and giggle.

"Ellie its time for lunch!" I heard the door fly open. I turned fast, accidentally dropping Noah on the floor."Fuck." I quickly picked him up and rubbed the back of his head. "Shhhh." He started screaming and throwing his little arms and legs in the air.

Emma ran over and took him from me. I rubbed my arm. "Jesus Christ, Ellie!" She rocked him back in forth trying to get him to quiet down. "You busted in here like you're crazy! Not my fault."

She set him back in his comforting crib after she finished rocking him to sleep.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs. "Surprise is here..." She let me go once we got into the living room. I saw a girl with black hair. She sat cross legged and smiled at me. Emma went and sat next to her. "Allison?" I smiled a little. I looked over and saw her.

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