Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:

Tongue Tied

Ellie's Pov:

"So, did you tell her?" Mathew asked, biting into the huge pepperoni pizza slice he had ordered. I swear pizza is all he ate. "I will. Stop rushing me." I said timidly. "What are you scared?" I stared down at my bacon cheeseburger and fries. "Yes, Mathew. I'm scared." I replied as i took a swig of my vanilla milkshake. "I'm scared because everytime i try i get so tongue tied that i sound like an idiot then she laughs at me." He chugged down some of his soda and pushed some of his blonde hair from his face.

"Plus, I don't want to hide anything when i finally do ask her. I want to be able to hold her infront of my folks without question." Mathew set down his pizza slice and gave me a long look. "Are you sure you want to settle down? I don't think Sam is the type who would want to have sex ten times a day." He said jokingly. "I'm not marrying her, man. I just want her to be mine." He smiled at my fidgeting and nervous posture. "Then make her yours and stop being a wuss." He teased.

I rolled my eyes and dipped a fry into my shake, tossing it into my mouth. "I'm coming out to my mom later." I said slowly. He raised a brow then laughed hard. "Ellie, what will this be? The billionth time you've told me that?" I looked up at him in all seriousness. "I'm legit going to tell her. I promise."

He picked up his pizza slice again, biting a nice portion off. "Bet fifty bucks." He said, sounding like he was choking on one of those over sized pepperonis. "Fucking deal." I laughed and stirred my straw.

I watched as he wiped his tomato sauce stained hands on his black t shirt. "Man, i'm full." He said as he let out a rather loud burp. "You're disgusting." I mumbled as he spat out an ice cube into his cup. "Yeah, and you love me." I nodded in agreement, watching him lick the icing off my piece of chocolate cake. "You know i was taking that home for my sister? She loves cake.." I said in an annoyed tone. "I love cake too." He then stuffed half of it into his mouth. I shook my head and took a bite of my cheeseburger.

"So, what if Sam chooses that Jacey guy over you? Then what?" I looked up at him again with a terrified look on my face. "I'm fucking with you." He said with a slight chuckle. I tipped the end of his cup as he went to take another drink, causing him to waste it on his shirt. "You're an asshole." I smiled and pointed in the direction of the Mens bathrom. "Go wash up, Matty." He sighed and stood up from our booth. "Well go before you drip onto my food." I teased as he ran off.

I chewed on the tip of my straw as i read a text from Sam.

Hey, i miss you.

I smiled like an idiot and let out an overly femmine giggle.

Ew...what the fuck.

I coughed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Ellie." I looked up to see Macie sitting infront of me in Mathew's seat. "Hey.." I said slowly, turning my screen off. "I'm sorry about what i said that night at the fair. I don't really think you're a slut or anything. I just...I want you to myself. I still want an us." She confessed, giving me a sad look i wasen't going to buy. "Whatever. I don't want anything to do with you. Get out of my face." I said harshly. "Please give me another chance. I want to wake up with your arms around me again-" I cut her off. "What are you? Deaf? Get the fuck out of here." I snapped.

"You don't mean that." She said weakly, shaking her head. "When i said i don't love you. I meant it." I sighed hard and looked at my phone as it vibrated from a new text from Sam. "I have a girlfriend." I said finally. She looked away from me as she started to cry. I still wasen't buying it. "What if i take you to a hotel and let you do whatver.." She begged.

Let Me Love You Again (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin