Prologue to Jesse

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I woke up to see the bright ray of sun strike my unaware eyes.

"Wake-up Jesse!" my twin brother bellows from the kitchen. Today wasn't a special day. Another day of living my mundane life had begun.

I walked downstairs to find my bro eating his toast and I sit down to eat while checking the news on my phone.

I walk to the bus stop and feel the April breeze hit me.

The Transpo bus approaches and I quietly greet the driver and get to the first available seat.

On the bus I sit with my head against the window as I nod along with my playlist.

The bus comes to a halt and I turn to see an unfamiliar face.

"Can I sit here?" the boy rushes to say.

"Yeah, sure." I hurriedly say as he sits allowing the flow of human traffic to continue.

From the corner of my eye, I glance at him. He was quite tall. He seemed muscular judging by the way his thighs stuck to his adidas pants, and he seemed quiet. He had his earbuds in and I continued to nod away to my music and dismissed my curiosity.

I got off the bus and walked into the school. Why in the world did school feel like a punishment?

For the people with bad marks, they were hoping to pass. For the people with good marks they competed against each other not for better marks but for knowing what information was going to be taught before the class even began. There was literally no positivity in this hellhole.

But... I guess I was in the middle on the spectrum of good and bad kids. Sure I had gotten myself into a few detentions for petty things like talking during class, but I was motivated to get good enough marks so I could get out of this country, and far away from my messed up family.

I made myself to the locker after catching up with my friends in the Humanities Hall and found the mysterious new kid fumbling with his lock at the locker beside me.

He notices me staring awkwardly and he jerks his head up.

"Hey, do you by chance know how to lock these locks?"

"Yeah, here..." I say as I lock the Dudley lock. Bruh, this guy might not actually be a genius, but he goes to UCL.

"Thanks! Sorry, to bother you again, but do you know where room 121B is located?" He asks. I high-key didn't know when and where my classes were located even as we headed to the end of the year. I always referenced my classes off my friends'.

"I'm pretty sure it is downstairs near one of the first lecture halls near the office," I guesstimate. I turn to my locker and open my lock.

"Yoooo! Jesse are coming to the surprise party on Friday?" One of my best-friend's friend (I guess a mutual friend) yelled. His name was Mike and I got to say that he was smart but he acted quite dumb.

"Ah... I'll see. But, if I can't can you pass on my gift for Brielle?" Brielle was one of my closest friends as our families were close and she transferred to the same university from a nearby one. We had pretty deep conversations but we didn't hang much at uni and personally, I didn't like the amount of sexual innuendos that were thrown around in her friend circle.

"That'd be a bummer..." he turns to the mystery boy and does some handshake code. Wait. How did Mike know this kid?

"Hey Mike, the one boy I don't think girls like." The mysterious guy says. It literally sounds like gibberish rhyming but Mike smiles.

"Hey Kai, are you another Asian or are you Thai?" Bruh... these rhymes were so trash my IQ dropped by 10 points.

"Hey Kai, I didn't know you transferred from Keeles. You know Brielle from Terrence's party..." I grabbed my stuff and walked to my friends downstairs. I really needed to check with them what my schedule was.

I rushed down the stairs and crashed into someone.

"Owww!" Shrieked a girly voice.

"I'm so-" but before I finish I do a double take and see who it is. My nemesis: Danya.

"What are you doing here?" She snobbishly asks me.

"I'm going to my class." I mentally inserted a stream of cuss words.

Breathe in. Breathe out. I almost got suspended in middle school when. I got sent to the office every week for defending my friends when she started a fight. If I start it with her again I would definitely get expelled from the damage I could cause to her face.

She looks at my binders and sees the letter congratulating me on being accepted for financial support.

"Oh. So you're poor." The actual f. Is this girl for real?

"At least my IQ isn't negative. Now if you excuse me bitch I'm late for my class." I skirrrt off into the distance and pray that I won't encounter her again.

• studying A100 (6 year medical school program at UCL)
• smart
• wants to do well in university so she will be accepted for an internship program in her 5th or 6th year in the U.S.

• mysterious

• arch-nemesis

• family friend studying introduction to law

• mutual friend

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