Chapter 6 | How I Met You

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"That day, you were in a car crash. You and Ethan were both fine, but Ignacia became paralyzed."

My eyes teared up.

I can't believe that happened.

"Well, after that, you started researching like crazy on how to stimulate his limbs and make him function like he did before. The doctors said that the paralysis had put him into a coma."

This was very shocking, but for some reason I was not as affected as I would have been in 2018 when I heard about this. Perhaps, my body had gotten accustomed to the past.

"What happened to Ignacia?" I was more curious about whether this would lead to a happy ending or end unfortunately.

"I'm getting there," Kai gives a small sad smile, "One year after that accident I got into a motorbike accident and it caused me to damage my ability to logically think. I couldn't understand simple things and my memory really took a toll as I forgot details like the planet we live on is called Earth. Around the same time, Ignacia's family was going to pull the plug on life support. You came in to see me and assessed my situation. You were working on clinical trials on brain transplant surgeries under a famous scientist and I was accepted as the third clinical trial. You got Ignacia's organ donor card, and there was a total of nine transplants done. Instead of replacing my full brain, it was easier just to do a certain section. To be honest... the science isn't important. I ended up with Ignacia's brain and adopted some of his habits and memories of people. I became very close with his mom and I found that the person that I had the strongest memory of was you."

He clutched my hands and his eyes teared up.

What was the most painful thing I experienced in the future?

"I hope they were good memories," I awkwardly chuckle. I have a bad habit of laughing or saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

"My memories were good, but after Ignacia's death you worked 15 hour shifts every day. If you weren't at the clinic, at school, or the research institute you were crying and resorting back to taking tablets..."

Flashback: 2020

(Jesse lying on the floor of her apartment with bottles lying around her)

"Ignacia, why did you leave me? I know you weren't the one but you were like a brother to me. If you were here you could help me deal with my parents' divorce. I knew love was an infatuation."

I need a family to be emotionally stable, because I haven't talked to a human my age for the past few months and I think I was starting to lose it. I sometimes saw him...not Ignacia, but the mysterious kid and I talked to him.

I may have known him for a short while but he made an impression.

I closed my eyes and let darkness consume me.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder.

"JC...JC?...Jesse!" A soothing but alerted voice woke me.

I gasped for air.

"You're finally awake." The mysterious boy said.

"Kai, thank-you."

"For what?"

"For being here."

End of Flashback

That was the worst downfall of my life.

Kai said after that, I worked hard to improve myself and began actually talking to him.

"I was wondering how you got into my apartment when it has a digital passcode?" It was a real question...I mean he wasn't an angel that was dropped from heaven.

"I told you I have Ignacia's brain. I managed to recollect my memories, but his skills became mine. Because of that I anonymously am the founder of the video game series "When Jupiter Falls" and we can play the latest version later because you are the person who gives me the feedback to improve the games."

His conversations seemed so normal, but I felt so out of it.

He told me a lot of important crap, but he didn't mention our "love" story.

"When did we fall in love?" I blurted abruptly.

"Ahhh...mi amor, mon amour, my love...our love story is quite exciting isn't it? I haven't even told you yet, but I have a feeling you already agree-" what bs is he spouting? I have no idea what he is talking about. "Our story has elements of love, jealousy, enemies, and of course family."

"If the introduction to the story is this long, the painkillers aren't going to be the reason for me to fall asleep." His introduction sounded like me in high school trying to reach a word count.

"Patience my wife. Before I start the story, I'm going to give you a spoiler." I was so immersed in learning about my future-or I guess my past, that I hadn't realized Kai's close proximity to me.

Kai's eyes were really beautiful. They weren't blue, or green, or some colour like silver, but rather they were hazel. His eyes were quite light for an Asian. His black thick lashes really outlined his eyes and made them look very big.

From the shirt he was wearing I could see the tattoos peaking through.

————Mild Sexual Content Begins—————

Before Kai could lean in, I leant in and took in the kiss. It was nothing like the kiss of yearning at the hospital.

His lips were soft and gentle. I knew that I had "just met him", but I opened my mouth and let his tongue take over.

It was a very foreign feeling, but I went with the flow. I guess my memories didn't remember anything, but my body was heating up.

Kai's hands travelled to my waist and held me close to him.

My body and my mind weren't working together. I needed to know who he was and how we met, but at this moment my lips continued to kiss and explore his mouth.

I decided to be more direct and twirl my tongue with his. He gave out a groan as he let me take control of his mouth and made his hand travel from my waist to under my shirt.

————Mild Sexual Content Ends—————

I pushed myself back and realized, that I needed to know how we met.

"If we continue this, it's not going to solve my curiosity about how we met." I say.

"Oh my love, it will. I'm not going to tell you the story. You're going to re-experience it for yourself. But, the experience will be in your memories, so I needed to give you the key experience of our memories." My god this guy sounded like he was trying to find an opportunity to kiss me.

Not that I mind.

"How is this going to work?" I mean in all seriousness, it didn't sound practical.

"I'm going to trigger your memories. There are three important parts in our story that you need to remember. When we realized that we loved each other, when we got married, and when we had Jae Son."

The last part sounded pretty suggestive, but I guess it is natural for females to have a strong emotional response when they go through that sort of pain in labour.

"So, when do we start your therapy?"


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