Chapter 1 | KitKat Boy

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"Okay, today I will be introducing partners for your research project. Remember that this will be worth 15% of your term mark." The biology lecturer began his class listing names.

"... Jesse Clarkson and Kai Tan Yu ..."

Who was that...? I looked around the class and saw him wave at me and smile.

"Hello! We met this morning right?" I asked him very casually.

"...hmmm... at the lockers" he continues to mumble to himself, "when Mike-no, no, no it was before that, on the bus when I first met you. Nice to meet you Jesse. Since we will be partners for the next two weeks can I call you J?"

"Kay" I say and internally laugh at the double meaning. His eyes light up and he seems friendly.

We exchange numbers and he inputs his name into my phone while I do to the same to him.

"J can you text me when you're free so we can work on the report?" He asks. I realize that he is a very good student as most people would assign parts to do reports, when in reality learning was best done through discussions.

"Yeah, I'll bring some draft ideas for the proposal." I say as I sit beside him. To be honest I didn't like where I was sitting but I didn't complain because right in front of me I had eye candy: Joshua Crews. I didn't like him, but I did know when to appreciate fine specimen in the human species.

After the class I met up with my friends before our philosophy course.

"Heyyy!" I yelled as I walked down the hallway to meet them. I was very quiet in most of my classes, but my friends just made me turn from a mouse to a party animal.

"Yo Jessie," Talia calls my nickname, "how was biology?" She had biology after me this cycle and it was especially helpful since we could study together.

"Yea it was easy but as usual- a lot of note taking. Oh and we got partners for our research projects." I almost forgot that key information.

She looks down to her phone and sees that a copy of the pairing for both our class and their class was posted.

"Yeah, he posted. I'm with a girl named Carrie. I think she's pretty smart. But I can't check who you're with. It says that due to a new student the partners were changed."

"Well, the new student is with me and his name's Kai." I say casually.

"As in the new rumoured hottie Kai?" Brielle whisper yells. I hadn't even noticed that she got here.

"I don't know about the tea (gossip) going around at school, but he seems nice and I found out he knows you and Mike." I was usually interested in this conversations and I would be speaking loudly but I didn't think that he was all that. Compared to my neighbour and close friend Ignacia, I really didn't think he was all that. Especially since his bangs party hid his face.

Another one of my friends, Anita, nudges me. "Did something happen?" I know it was strange of me but I didn't feel too hot right now.

I gave a slight nod.

I watched as Brielle showed pictures of Kai.

"Can I see?" My interest is peaked as I watch my friends drool.

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