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-eating disorder-

My mom continues talking about how I need to eat but I just ignore I have to do what henri said if she makes me eat I can just throw it up.

My chest really hurt and it hurt to breathe I couldn't tell my parents that because they would freak they already think he's hurting me and I know they are taking me away to protect me but they can only protect me two maybe three days  and he's just going to be at the bars getting drunk then all week he's going to be hungover and it's gonna suck for me.

DEMI: can I just go up to bed when I get home
DIANA: after you eat Dallas is cooking
DEMI: hmmf we will be lucky if the house is still there
DIANA: that's your sister be nice to her
DEMI: she wasn't all that nice to henri
DIANA: let it go

I roll my eyes and stop talking because my jaw really hurts.

EDDIE: does your jaw hurt

I nod my head because I know my mom can see me from the side mirror.

DIANA: did you get an pain meds
DEMI: no
DIANA: I have some at home I think

I just nod my head and end up falling asleep in the backseat.

Not to long after though I'm awaken my dad and I see I'm on the couch.

EDDIE: dinners ready
DEMI: I'm not hungry
EDDIE: just amuse your mom and me please just eat
DEMI: fineeee

I get up which is very painful.

DALLAS: look she's alive

I flick her off earning snickers from maddie and Dallas but a glare from my mom.

DIANA: really
MADDIE: I told dad it wouldn't take five minutes before they started fighting
DALLAS: I mean she's been asleep for the last hour
DEMI: shut up

I sit down at the table next to Maddie. We say grace and everyone starts eating. I move my food around to make it look like I'm eating I take a few bites here and there but I take a while to chew them.

I look up to see Dallas looking at me from across the table I mouth "what" to her she looks down at my plate then back at me. I put a bite into my mouth and she just shakes her head.

MADDIE: so Demi how did you hurt your jaw
DEMI: oh I fell down the stairs
DIANA: I thought you tripped
DEMI: oh yeah I'm thinking of another time
MADDIE: shouldn't you like not be talking
DEMI: I guess
DALLAS: we all know that won't happen

I roll my eyes at Dallas when the house phone rings. My mom answers it and tells me it henri.

HENRI: hope your having fun

I can tell he's drunk so I leave the room and go out to the back porch

DEMI: are you drunk
HENRI: I don't know but
DEMI: but what
HENRI: I broke your phone
DEMI: I know
HENRI: get another by next weekend because I can talk to you except when your gone I need to check in make sure you don't leave
DEMI: okay
HENRI: also we fly out of lax to New York in Wednesday then come back Thursday night
DEMI: okay
HENRI: I will pack for you
DEMI: okay
HENRI: don't eat to much and actually I will pick you up to go to the gym at eight tomorrow morning
DEMI: o-okay
HENRI: I'm just helping you
DEMI: can't we just skip tomorrow my chest hurts
HENRI: from
DEMI: earlier
HENRI: well you deserved it you live with it
DEMI: okay sorry
DEMI: I'll stop

After that he hangs up and I feel like about to cry. I sit on the patio set and cry.

He was right I was worthless and I don't deserve him. I'm surprised he hasn't broken up with me.

DEMI: huh
DIANA: are you okay your foods getting cold
DEMI: I'm fine I think I'm going to head up to bed
DIANA: please finish dems
DEMI: I'm not hungry I had a big lunch
DIANA: okay I guess

I was thankful it was dark out so she couldn't see me crying.

I went up to my room and did something I haven't done in a long time I purged. Afterwards I jumped into the shower I sat there and let the water sting my cuts Henri had left earlier.

I heard a knock on my bathroom door but I ignored it I wanted to be alone.

DIANA: dems just wanted to say goodnight

I didn't respond and she just left.

I got out brushed my teeth then went to lay in bed.
Eddie came into my room and sat next to me on the bed.

EDDIE: hey
DEMI: hey
EDDIE: does your jaw hurt
DEMI: yeah but it's fine
EDDIE: your moms worried about you eating am so am I
DEMI: I'm fine I promise
EDDIE: okay I love you
DEMI: I love you too

With that he left and I was left in my room to myself. I drifted off to sleep but it wasn't so peaceful.


DEMI: yeah

he started kicking me so hard and soon James came and they beat me until I blacked out then I woke up tied to a bed naked and they started raping me.



I heard soft cry's coming from the next room over so I went to investigate and saw Demi crying and shaking.

DIANA: Demi honey wake up

All I know is she hadn't had nightmares like this since she was little and Patrick was around.

DEMI: mom
DIANA: hey I'm here
DEMI: I want to be alone
DIANA: honey
DEMI: please

I miss her goodnight like I did when she was little and she lays there still crying slightly but beside the tears she looks emotionless.

SORRY..... AGAIN: Demi Lovato story Where stories live. Discover now