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Demi hadn't had a break down like this once since she broke up Wilmer even then it wasn't this bad.
After a while she calmed down.

STEPH: are you sleeping at night
DEMI: n-no
STEPH: do you like being alone
DEMI: no
STEPH: what happens if your alone
DEMI: I get panic attacks
STEPH: have you cut since you left the hospital
DEMIs no
STEPJ: do you feel and urge to
DEMI: yeah
STEPH: how often.
DEMI: everyday
STEPH: why don't you give in
DEMI: I don't know
STEPH: what are thinking about dems talk to me
DEMI: I can't stop thinking about he did
STEPH: the kidnapping
DEMI: yeah and and and never mind
STEPH: tell me dems
DEMI: before too you know
STEPH: the abuse
DEMI: he said he changed and I believed him
STEPH: so you went back to him
DEMI: yeah
STEPH: what lead to the relapse in your eating disorder
DEMI: I didn't relapse
STEPH: was he ever unfaithful did he cheat
DEMI: yeah
STEPH: he cheated
DEMI; he told me a couple months ago a little while after he took me
STEPH: what about self harm
DEMI: it was from the anxiety I had around him and the thoughts in my head that I wasn't enough if I wasn't enough for him I wasn't enough for anybody I want to be enough for him
STEPH: were you enough for yourself
DEMI: I was but I felt like I had let my self down after the overdose and I hated myself for letting myself go down that path. 
STEPH: you never told what led to the heavy drugs not the relapse we know that but what fueled it
DEMI: mom and dad were fighting a lot Maddie was taking it hard so I had to help her and I didn't help myself I pushed everyone away so I could protect Maddie rather than myself
STEPH: who knows this
DEMI: only one person
STEPH: who
DEMI: Logan
STEPH: why her
DEMI: I was home alone and she was there

We talked about random thing for while she opened up a little more to me.

DIANA: hey
STEPH: hey
DIANA: how did it go
STEPH: it's baby steps

Demi was staring off in space completely disassociated from the conversation

STEPH: she opened it up but when she opens up her brain wanders
DIANA: why
STEPH; she definitely has an anxiety disorder, PTSD, Stockholm syndrome, she's going manic because of her bipolar but it's also causing depression, her depression separate from bipolar is a lot right now
DIANA: Stockholm syndrome
STEPH: from what I can tell she still cares for him
DIANA: even after everything
STEPH: yeah she never says she hates him and she said she wants to be enough for him not wanted
DIANA: What's going on with the ptsd
STEPH: panic attacks flashbacks she startled easily nightmares insomnia I got that based off of what I read from the doctors reports to what she told me
DIANA: what about bipolar
STEPH: she's mood swings, anxiety, deep sadness guilt, irritability, racing thoughts lack of concentration depression
DIANA: she didn't have this bad an anxiety disorder before
STEPH: it does hand in hand with the bipolar disorder plus the trembling when she's speaking and of course the severe anxiety
DIANA: she's not the same
STEPH: she's not I'm a good place
DIANA: what would happen if Wilmer came back into her life
STEPH: I think she would be to scared for a relationship for a while but I think as a best friend as a companion not necessarily a relationship it would be good for her to have him
DIANA: will she ever be able to have an intimate relationship again I remember Wilmer always found it funny how when she was manic her sex drive was up
STEPH: probably not she would get flashbacks
DIANA; okay
STEPH: she was very open about the abuse before the kidnapping but she wont talk much about what happened when she was gone for 14 months some things here and there but that's it
DIANA: we should we do what can we do
STEPH: she's going to need a friend honestly not her parents not her sisters
DIANA: Wilmer
STEPH: a female probably someone who will listen she's too scared of men. It should be someone she already knows
DIANA: Marissa
STEPH: no that bridge burned
DIANA: someone from her team
STEPH; most likely
DIANA: what about Sirah
STEPH: Sirah and Mathew I would bring them back into the picture soon
DIANA: I'll call them


Demi was still staring off to space when Steph left and I texted Sirah and Mathew

DIANA: hey are you guys busy tomorrow
MATHEW: nope
DIANA: do y'all want to come over tomorrow Demis still having a hard time and Steph suggested she be around friends more
SIRAH: we will be there what time
MATHEW: perfect

I made Demi some lunch since Eddie left to go run some errands.

DIANA: dems

After calling her name for a few minutes she finally realized I was there.

DEMI; huh
DIANA: I made some lunch
DEMI: okay

Demi grabbed her crutches and came inside.

DIANA: Mathew and Sirah are coming over tomorrow
DEMI: okay
DIANA: we need to figure out a way so you can sleep tonight
DEMI: I don't know how
DIANA: why don't you want to sleep
DEMI: I see his face
DIANA: Wilmer is coming over in a little 
DEMI: okay

It took Demi about an hour and half to eat her sandwich.

The doorbell rang and it was Wilmer

WILMER: hello Diana
DIANA: hey come in she's in the living room

we walked to the living room and he sat next to Demi and she instantly relaxed.

DEMI: hi

I left to go into the kitchen to let them talk

SORRY..... AGAIN: Demi Lovato story Where stories live. Discover now