Chapter 1

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It was that time of year again, the Grand Prix final. Yet again, 16 year old Yuri Plisetsky was working far too hard for his body to handle.

It came to the point where he was failing his jumps and just falling for no reason, his legs were failing to carry him along the ice too.

The young skater began to panic, what the hell was going on? He never failed to do any of these things, it was always a piece of cake so why was he not succeeding this time...?

Outside the rink, Jean-Jacques Leroy, or JJ, walked inside to see the young skater on his hands and knees, panting and crying.

That's unusual... Yuri has never cried before... Not after that time he won the last Grand Prix.

The older skater put on his skates and skated over to him putting a hand out. “Need some help, Yuri-Chan?”

Yuri swatted his hand away, “Fuck off, I don't need your help...” The young Russian replied, shakily getting to his feet. He ended up falling into JJ's chest, his face right in the middle and his hands beside him. His face turned bright red and he immediately pulled backwards, falling back on the ice.

JJ knew something was wrong, Yuri wasn't as clumsy as this especially not when it came to his skating.

Yuri got up and grabbed onto the side of the rink so he was able to keep his balance. More tears streamed down his face, he was scared. He didn't know what was happening, it even came to the point where he started to have a panic attack. His legs were shaking violently and fear was plastered all over his face.

JJ skated over to him again and looked into his eyes. “Yuri, what's wrong...?” He asked, pulling the younger male into a hug to keep him from falling. “Yuri, I'm calling an ambulance... You're too weak.” and with that being said he took out his phone and dialled 911...

Yuri looked up, he was scared even more, now, having had terrible memories of hospitals from when he was younger. He tried to protest but couldn't get a word out his mouth.

As soon as JJ's call went through, he immediately said he needed an ambulance as fast as possible trying to keep the obvious worry out his voice. JJ was a good actor so he managed to prevent it from happening. He picked Yuri up bridal style and lay him on a bench, taking his skates off.

“Y-You're not my slave... I-Idiot.”

JJ merely smiled his little grin. “Yuri, you're ill, I have to help you in some way despite our hatred toward each other...”

After putting his shoes on, he took his own skates off and put his shoes on too sighing. Did Yuri push himself too far? Was he just sick? Perhaps he was spending too much time training and that was making him ill? JJ didn't know and because he wasn't family... The hospital wouldn't give him any insights on the situation the young skater was in.

Within 10 or so minutes, an ambulance finally arrived and took Yuri to the hospital. When the ambulance left JJ picked up his skates after shoving back on his jacket and called Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki.

Viktor picked up the phone, “Hello, JJ! What's wrong, why did you call?” He asked.

JJ sighed and fought back an urge to rant, thankfully keeping his words simple. “Yuri has been taken into hospital. You both are like his mom and dad in a way so... I thought I'd call you both to let you know what's going on so he has someone too... Maybe call his grandfather too.”

JJ heard a slight gasp on the other end which made him frown. Viktor then spoke. “Yeah... We will. Thanks, JJ. We'll let you know how he is...”

“Thanks...” and with that being JJ's last word, Viktor ended the call.

JJ sighed and headed back home and into his house. “Izzy, I'm home!”

Isabella, JJ's girlfriend peaked her head out the kitchen and smiled. “Hey, JJ!”

JJ forced a smile and walked over to her hugging her from behind.

“What's wrong...? You seem sad.” she said turning around and hugging him.

“Remember Yuri Plisetsky?” JJ said. “Well... He had ti he taken to hospital.”

This next part will certainly ruin all of JJ's faith in his girlfriend.

Isabella let go of hik and covered her mouth letting out a laugh. JJ stared at her. “Izzy... Why are yoy laughing?”

“I knew it!” She said, giggling still and slowly taking a seat. “He worked himself far too hard and that what made him ill! Such an idiot!”

JJ couldn't help but let out an annoyed growl at her words. “With all due respect, Isabella, you could be a little more sympathetic.”

“Why...?” She asked. “We both hate him, he ruined us! We've been trying to hard to get ourselves back up on her feet and you want to throw that all away!?”

With that sentence a fight broke out between the two. They had had fights like this in the past but they made up immediately afterwards but this was different. They kept going. They kept shouting. Calling insults. Everyhing you could think of, they had probably yelled at each other...

10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes.

It lasted for so long and after a long, agonising fight Isabella left taking her car, her keys to the house, everything that belonged to her.

JJ sighed and then turned to their living room. There was a smashed picture on the floor. JJ picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of the two back in middle school, hugging. They looked so happy together. JJ smiled faintly and walked over to the bin tossing it in there. “Gone...” He said. “Finally.”

He smiled and turned to what she was making. She was making some pasta. JJ sighed and put it all on the bin. Everything they did together was now just a bad memory. Something that would forever leave a bad taste in the French-Canadianʼs mouth. He didn't care. She was finally out of his life and he could finally do what he wanted to without someone liker herself dragging him down every step of the way.

He turned to his phone and looked at the caller ID. Viktor! He quickly picked it up surprisingly being able to keep his cool, “Hey, Viktor!”

Viktor seemed sad when he responded. “Hey... We... We have some bad news.”

JJ stared for a few seconds before responding. “What? What do you mean?”

“Yuri has been put under a lot of medication... He was so stressed about being number one it caused him to have so many panic attacks... So many that he can't participate in the competition... He's really beaten up about it. His grandfather took him home and he seems okay but he's really angry with himself for doing that to himself.”

“I don't know what to say... That's... Horrible...”

“Meet me at the rink, okay? Yuri and his grandfather will be going there soon. Yuri wants to talk with you.”

JJ smiled, “Thanks, Viktor. I'll be there soon.”And with that being said he ended their call. He immediately grabbed his jacket and without a moment of hesitation, he ran out his house and to the ice rink. This should be interesting... Won't it?


Finally I'm done! I used my friend fanfic  for a few ideas, I hope you don't mind. But none of the less, it's done!!! I new chapter will be out soon. Bye guys!!

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