Chapter 4

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20 minutes pass. 40 minutes. 1 hour.

JJ waited in the waiting for a nurse to come out and tell him Yuri was okay.

2 hours. 3 hours.

Eventually, a nurse came out to the waiting room and spoke. "Жан-Жак Леруа? (Zhan-Zhak Lerau?)"

JJ immediately looked up hearing what sounded like his name. Someone else stood up, he looked confused for a second before he realised she hadn't said Jean-Jacques Leroy at all. They had said "Alexander Popov."

How did he mistake his name for that? JJ is very stressed right now, not to mention being worried sick for Yuri.

4 hours.

An English doctor came out a room and into the waiting room. "Jean-Jacques Leroy?" She asked.

He looked up and the doctor smiled. "Are you here to see Yuri Plisetsky?" They ask.

JJ stood up and nodded, trying not to let his happiness get the better of him right now. The doctor led JJ into an elevator and pressed a button which took them to the 5th floor.

They didn't talk, they just stayed silent until the doctor spoke up. "Aren't you and Yuri Plisetsky rivals?" She asked, turning to face the 17 year old.

JJ looked to the side and nodded. "We're supposed to be...but he asked me to look after him after that other incident...he came to me and I guess I've taken a liking to him..."

"So..." The doctor began, "You're telling me you have some kind of feelings for him?"

JJ felt his face heat up. "Y-Yeah? I guess? I don't know?" He stuttered slightly asking more questions than he had intended.

“Want me to leave you alone with him?”

JJ nodded. "Yeah, if you don't mind."

The doctor giggled again and slowly walked out and closed the door behind her.

JJ once again looked over at the unconscious Russian and slowly walked over to the side of his bed, looking at him still and letting out a sigh.

"You know, Yuri..." He began, sighing. "I know you're asleep but...even if you can't hear me right now... I have something I really need to tell you...even if you like Otabek..."

The mention of the Kazakhstani skater made JJ’s heart ache. He felt the anger and hatred for Otabek build up inside him...he hated him so much that it was basically impossible to put it into any form of sentence.

He slowly took a step forward, walking over to the bed in which Yuri was led down in. He stood at the side of it and and sighed as a single tear fell down his cheek.

Yuri didn't move a muscle, nor did he say a word either.

“I know you're asleep... Hell... You probably cant even hear me but... I'm gonna say what I came to say...” JJ began.

Slight movement came from the Russian, he slowly opened his eyes to look at JJ. He slowly moved his hand up to JJ's face and cupped his cheek. “Wh-What are you doing here...?”

A smile crossed JJ's lips and he slowly put his hand onto Yuri's. It was cold and very pale, he wasn't usually like this. He was ill and very weak. What if he was never able to skate again?

Are you sad yet? Maybe doesn't seem that grim or even depressing right now but this story isn't even half way through yet, you've still got a lot of suffering to endure.

JJ had thoughts that Yuri would probably just die right here and now and he would be powerless and unable to do anything about it.

As much as it seemed unlikely, JJ still thought about it. He couldn't get the image out of his head.

He snapped our of his thoughts when Yuri spoke. “Hey...” He said softly, he was still weak but didn't want a anyone to know he was...Yuri  tried not to show it because didn't want people to know how vulnerable he could really be especially in front of JJ.

JJ looked at the younger male with a kind smile letting him know he could say whatever he wished to completely forgetting why he came here to begin with.

JJ gently stroked the younger males cheek with his thumb, still smiling kindly. “You should rest, kitty cat...”

Yuri blushed a slight red at the nickname and smiled. He kissed his cheek and slowly lay down closing his eyes with a smile.

JJ started to cry again, but didn't make it obvious. He gently kissed the sleeping Yuri's forehead and then sighed as he wiped his tears away. He slowly headed towards the door and walked out shoving his hands into his pockets.

Fear, was all he could think about...the only think that remained. He began to walk back home, he out his head down not paying attention to where he was going. He jumped into someone.

“Hey! Watch where you're going!”

JJ looked at the person and his eyes widen in shock...

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