Chapter 9

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Never once have I ever thought about making a story with a ‘happy’ ending. Every time I've even considered it and sat down to try and write a ‘happy’ turns dark in a matter of seconds.

Whereas this story had been grim from the beginning and it doesn't get any better or ‘happier’ it only gets worse and worse and...worse.

JJ slowly looked back at the cupboard where he had saw the bottle of vodka. He gripped his hair slowly being dragged into the thought of downing another bottle.

Yuri saw and hastily walked over and hugged JJ tightly.
He was about to hit him, push him but stopped himself. He stood up and hugged Yuri back, also tight. He wanted Yuri's trust. He didn't want him to hate him.

Yet again Yuri's phone rang. But this time he didn't answer it and his grip tightened on JJ. He began to cry again into his shoulder hoping JJ wouldn't look at the clerk ID. For once, Yuri was scared out of his mind.

1.) JJ would NOT take this well when he saw it.

2.) JJ is yandere, and if someone tried to take Yuri from him in any way, their dead meat.

3.) Yuri loved Otabek but he couldn't tell JJ that.

JJ turned and looked at the call ID. 💖Beka💖. He let go of Yuri and stared at it.

Yuri also let go and picked up his phone answering it. “Hey Beka...”

“Put him on speaker, Yuri.” JJ said in an almost threatening voice.

He did what he was told and put Otabek on speaker. “Hey Yura, you doing okay?”

“Y-Yeah...I'm fine...”

“That bastard hasn't been hurting you has he? I swear if I catch that prick doing anything to you, I'll kill him!”

“No...he hasn't...and he never has...look...I'm gonna go...” Yuri said and before Otabek could respond he ended the call and ran into his spare room.

JJ chased after him after Yuri had shut the door. He hastily climbed the stairs and opened the door.

Yuri was by his mirror holding an Honaki Water Quench Aogami 2 Steel Fuguhiki knife. It was the sharpest knife JJ had ever seen...even he didn't own one...where the hell did he get it!?

It's blade was 330 millimetres long and he was holding it up to the middle if his forehead.

JJ stared in horror and quickly rushed over pulling it out his grip, forcing it to land on the floor next to the bed.

Yuri stared at it then looked back at JJ, tears streaming down his pale face as he felt so much grieve and regret. He forced a smile and kissed JJ's lips softly.

He stared in complete shock, kissing him back before Yuri pulled away and again forced a smile. He looked so sad and JJ was fully aware what he was going to do. And he would do whatever he could to prevent Yuri from suicide...

“Yuri...please...don't do this...” JJ said, fear and sadness in his voice.

“Im so sorry JJ...” He said, that forced smile still remaining on his lips.

He grabbed the knife again and positioned at his head again.

“Yuri! Don't...please!!” He said reaching out and trying to grab it.

“I-I'm sorry...” He said, his own voice full of fear as he pushed the knife into the middle of his skull. His eyes widen and blood dropped down his forehead to his face and all down the once clean knife.

JJ stared and covered his mouth as tears streamed down his face.

Yuri pulled the knife out, his eyes closing as he fell to the ground. JJ quickly rushed over and kneeled down staring at Yuri. He picked up his body and hugged it tightly. Unable to help himself from crying...


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