Chapter 6

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A few days pass and Yuri was released from the hospital.

JJ was headed there to take him back home, then they could pack his stuff and then he could go back to his grandpa's house.

He hated doing this, he hated putting on this fake facade just to make people believe that he was a cheerful and happy human being, when really he knew deep down he really wasn't...

JJ finally got to the hospital, he walked inside and looked around for your Yuri. He felt that same pain in his chest as he had had when he had that fight with Otabek a few days ago. But this time it was a lot stronger, he felt regret in some awkward way.

Why? He didn't know, it was just lingering there. When Yuri emerged from the elevator he ran over and hugged JJ. “Hey!”

JJ felt his heart rate speed up, he didn't know why. But he returned the hug and smiled. “Heya, Yuri!”

Yuri giggled and smiled as he looked up with an adorable little face which made JJ's heart melt. He knew he'd only get to see him once a week at the most...never if he gets with Otabek.

JJ sighed quietly and pulled away from the hug, the stabbing feeling returning when he pulled away. What was causing it, he didn't know.

‘Kill Otabek.’ A voice in his head said. ‘Then you can have Yuri.’

JJ’s eyes widen and slowly looked up at the ceiling before looking back down with a sigh. He didn't know why he even thought about is manslaughter after all and he'd most like get sent to prison...

‘Jusf clean up after yourself...nobody will ever know it was you who did it!’

He shook his head and sighed before looking at Yuri. He was happily talking to one of the doctors. Or assumed happily, considering he couldn't speak Рукйй (Russian) fluently he didn't really know a majority of the things they were saying.

Yuri waved goodbye to the doctor and walked over to JJ again. JJ no longer felt the stabbing feeling...that's it. He only felt it when he wasn't around Yuri...but why?

Yuri slowly began to walk to the door but JJ stayed still. That's doctor...they talked to him...they need to...die.

“JJ? You coming?” Yuri asked.

“Yeah, I'm just gonna talk to your doctor. Just head to the car, I'll be out in a second.”

Yuri nodded and shoved his hand into his pockets and then headed out the hospital.

A smirk spread across JJ's lips and then he walked over to the doctor with a kind and heartwarming smile. He asked him to follow him into a room and hesitantly followed not too sure if he should follow.

The doctor was really confused as he entered the room and before he knew it JJ was in front of him. Blood split down his forehead from the center and he collapsed. JJ smirked and slowly dragged him over to a small closet in the corner of the room and put him inside. He cleaned his knife with a paper towel he found.

He shoved it in his pocket and then shoved a clean knife into the center of his head again and then pulled it out putting it in his hand. He put his own knife back in his jacket pocket and mopped up a bit of blood with a conveniently placed mop and bucket in the corner. There wasn't much of it so he poured the bloody water in a sink and then sat the bucket back down beside the mop.

‘That wasn't so hard, was it?’ The voice in his head said. It made JJ shiver and he looked at his hands realising he was twitching. He cursed under his breath and laughed quietly, his sanity slowly going back to normal.

Once it had, he headed out the room and then headed our the hospital getting in the car. Yuri turned to him.

“What took you so long?”

“He was discussing things that you needed to have. Medication wise.”

Yuri nodded and lay back in his seat as JJ put on his seat-belt and started up the engine driving back to his house.

It was silent on the way there, both knew they'd have to say goodbye for a broke their hearts in two but at least Yuri had someone else to go to.

‘He's a real asshole, isn't he?’ The voice said. ‘Kill him. Yuri will never know.’

He avoided that thought just like before as he knew exactly who the voice was referring to. JJ hated Otabek and there was nothing denying it but killing him would be taking it too far. He wouldn't admit it but Jean-Jacques Leroy was particularly jealous at this point in time. Hah, that explains why that doctor is dead.

As they arrived home, JJ and Yuri got out the car and headed inside the house. Yuri smiled, seemingly glad to be back. JJ thought for s minute. “Hey, kitty?”

“Hm?” He asked turning to face the older male.

“Do you...wanna stay here or go to your grandpa's...? I'm sorry, that sounds awfully selfish of me.”

Yuri laughed and smiled at him. “That doesn't seem selfish at all! You're just curious. If you don't mind, though...I'd kinda like to stay here for a while longer.”

JJ smiled and wrapped Yuri into a hug. “I'm's been so lonely without you.”

Yuri giggled and hugged him back, smiling cutely.

Another happy thing happened, they get to stay together for a little while longer but...Otabek wouldn't give up until JJ was gone and Yuri was his. JJ wasn't gonna let Yuri go anytime soon and even then he was still afraid he would lose him...

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