Chapter 5

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The person stared too. They knew exactly what was going on...they knew exactly who each other were...they both came across each other coming out and going in...

“Otabek Altin...” The French-Canadian spoke.

“Jean-Jacques Leroy.” Otabek said back. “Why are you coming out the hospital?”

JJ growled under his breath, “I was visiting Yuri...” he replied showing such a strong hatred towards the other male. No words could ever describe how much the two hated one another...tsundere love is what some call it...yandere love to others...nobody will really know, will they?

Otabek smirked, “What a surprise, I am too.”

JJ scoffed and turned away, “What makes you think he's gonna wanna see you?” JJ retorted sounding quite intimidating when he spoke.

“Unlike you, I've known him since we were children and I know for a fact he loves me. That's exactly why I'm going to see him, he'd choose me over you any day!” Otabek replied cockily, the way he spoke sounded threatening. As if he were attempting to intimate JJ and force him to go back home so he could be with Yuri.

The words hurt. JJ felt as though he had been stabbed straight through the chest of shot through the the chest, but...he didn't let that pain show. He kept his head held high, showing the confidence and cocky JJ everyone underestimates.

“Just because you knew him as a kid,” He said as he crossed his arms, attempting to look just as threatening as Otabek however his kind nature just made it look the opposite, “Doesn’t mean he loves you more than me. I mean, that statement of yours doesn't exactly prove any point, ya know, Altin.”

Otabek laughed at his comment. “Oh? Then how come he's never came to ask you for anything important? He only asked you to look after him because he felt pitiful. Because you were depressed and broken. He never loved you and he never will!”

Once again, the words hurt and he JJ felt that same stabbing feeling in his chest. But still maintaing his confidence he forced a convincing smirk before talking back.

“You're right, I am depressed and broken bit that's not my fault. The amount of stuff I've been's not pleasant. Yuri was the only one who made me smile, who made me laugh. And maybe you're right, he loves you and values you over me...but go see for yourself. When he's outta here, ask him to choose...mais d'ici là ... à bientôt (but until then, I'll see you soon),Otabek Altin.”

With his rant being over JJ turned his back and headed back to his house, tears rolling down his cheeks. What if he really right?


Otabek walked into the hospital and headed to the reception desk. “Could you tell me where Yuri Plisetsky’s room is?” He asked.

She nodded and pointed toward the elevator. “5th floor, 6th door on your left.”

He smiled and nodded, “Thank you.” He said and walked over to the elevator and going inside. Once the doors closed, he pressed the 5th floor button and it slowly took him to the top.


JJ had arrived home, he stood outside his door and sighed clenching his fist. He sighed and took his keys out his pocket then unlocking his door. He opened it and walked inside, he gripped the handle for a second before closing the door behind him.

He sat his keys on a small white table beside the door and headed into his living room. He looked over at the patio doors and saw a small note and bouquet of flowers. Why the hell hadn't they dropped them off at his front door? Why at the back door?

Curious, he walked over and opened the door picking up the note and flowers, he headed back inside and closed them. He walked over to his couch and sat the bouquet of flowers in a red vase that was sat on his coffee table. He looked at the envelope, he recognised the handwriting. It was Isabella's.

He looked back over at the flowers. Red roses. He sighed and put his head back of the couch and looked at the envelope again before he slowly opened it and took out the note. It read:

“Dear JJ,
I’m really sorry for leaving. You’re probably really heartbroken about it... So I thought that maybe you would give me a second chance and let me turn over a  new leave? I know you aren’t the type to forget and what I did was cruel...but please let me make it up to you. Let me show you I can change! I'm really sorry...

Love, Isabella. Xx”

JJ stared at the letter and blinked a few times. What the hell did he just read? Why the hell would he be ‘heartbroken’?

Me: Bitch, shut the fuck up. You're not in this fanfic are you!? So go fuck a tree or some shit and leave us alone. :/

He scrunched the letter up and stood up from the couch walking into the kitchen. He put the ball of paper into the trash and sighed as he looked at a picture of Yuri standing with a large tiger plushie. He kept it in his kitchen because that's where he spent a lot of his time. He didn't want anyone else to have Yuri isn't all about getting the things you want, is it?

Back at the hospital......

Otabek walked down the corridor to the room Yuri was in and sighed as he opened the door.

Yuri was awake, he was laying there with his back turned crying quietly into his pillow.

Otabek walked over to him and put his hand onto his cheek. Yuri looked up.

He began to cry more and hugged him tightly or at least tried to...

“Beka...” he said through tears not expecting him to  come here.

“Yeah, of course I did.” He said and hugged him back. They stayed like this for a little while longer, happy to be together at last...

Back to JJ’s house...

The words were really getting to him, he was really starting to believe what he said was true.

Yuri doesn't love him, does he? He did just feel pity...he only asked him because he was depressed...broken...and because of the break up with Isabella...

What are the chances of he and Yuri dating to begin with? He knows Yuri still has such a hatred for him and yet...he loved him somehow...

Maybe he's not meant to be on this world to begin with? What if he was a mistake? What if he wanted Yuri but now...he couldn't because of that damn Kazakhstani skater...

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