Chapter 7

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Every time someone made contact with Yuri whether it was flirtatious remarks or touched him in some way... They'd be dead in smarter if seconds.

Yuri began to catch on, but for some reason didn't mind what JJ did. To him it was a way of him showing him to cared so whenever JJ would come back with a small splats of blood on his shirt after killing someone who Yuri either despised or he despised then he wouldn't really mind. He'd just laugh and smile as if it were nothing.

This confused JJ in so many ways. He was killing people for doing things to someone he loved...he didn't know why he did it, and whenever Yuri told him to kill someone he despised he'd get a kind of automatic hatred towards the person even if he didn't know them.

He'd find out what they look like, their name, age, what house they live in...everything. All this just to kill someone. Pretty weird right? Not to JJ...not at all.

Sometimes the killings are quick and painless like a quick stab in the head but depending what they did to Yuri, the method JJ has varies. For example; he could one time stab someone in multiple parts of the body. Specific parts where they don't get weakened easily which he could then use to his advantage and play around making it more fun...for JJ at least.

He doesn't just use one specific weapon and stick to it, remember all those weapons I said he had on his wall? Machete, axe, knifes, guns, ropes, daggers...everything he needed to get a perfect kill.

And one of the first things was, he wasn't phased by this at all. If anything he got happiness from all the murders he committed. Take a regular person for example, they'd start to panic if they stabbed someone let alone killed someone.

But JJ didn't care. He got so much happiness and joy out of killing these people. And he only kills for Yuri. He kills...for love. Yeah, you guess it...

Jean-Jacques Leroy is a yandere.

To be perfectly honest, Yuri isn't even phased by the murders JJ committed. He finds it...sweet. Why? He kills the people he hates, if he wants him to slowly kill them off, he will. Sometimes he'd even give JJ a method and he'd follow it word for word without a single mistake in the plan.

They're not crazy, they're just irregular people. Even if some people who lived in Moscow figured out that Yuri made the plans, that JJ made the murders happen...

Nobody would ever believe them. Nobody would suspect 2 famous ice skaters if being killers. I mean...that's absurd, right?

Think of it this way, they can get away with whatever they want and do whatever they want and if someone says anything...let's just say, JJ wouldn't be having any of it.
Yuri looked over at JJ with a slight smile and laughed a little. “Oh come on, again?” He said looking at the state of his clothes. They were soaked in blood. He'd be lucky if they managed to get it out the shirt and his jeans.

JJ merely laughed at his state and smiled. “What? It's impossible not to get a little blood on your hands when you kill someone!”

Yuri scoffed, “A little?” He said, a smirk forming on his lips.

JJ nodded smirking. “Its not too much, not anything King JJ can't handle!”

Yuri started laughing and put the turned the washing machine on at the switch. “Go get changed, shithead.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever kitty.”

Yuri's face turned a slight red and he turned away. “Just go...”

JJ laughed and headed upstairs time his room.

When JJ headed upstairs Yuri’s phone began to buzz. He looked over to see the word “Beka” as the contact. He smiled slightly to himself and picked up.

“Hey, Beka!”

“Hey, Yura.”

“Whats up?” Yuri asked, not too sure why he's call at 6 PM.

“Well it's still early...are your free tonight? I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach or something?”

Yuri thought for a minute. What would JJ think of this? He'd end up killing Otabek if he saw the two together so he knew he had to be careful what he did and make sure JJ doesn't come after him.

JJ came half way downstairs and heard their conversation.

“I guess so, but I was gonna spend the night with JJ...”

“Oh come on! You know if treat you better than him any day and you know you love me, Yura~!” Otabek teased making Yuri laugh.

“You're not wrong...just give me about an hour.”

“Alright, see you soon~!”

“Yeah, bye.”

Yuri ended the call and slammed his phone down on the counter, not out of anger but happiness. Yuri wasn't aware JJ liked him so this wasn't going to end well.

JJ walked into the kitchen with a forced smile. “You look happy.” He said getting the worst of the blood off his clothes under the hot tap of his sink.

Yuri nodded and smiled. “Otabek asked me out on a date! Kinda.” He replied.

JJ felt his heart stop. “Is he being serious?” JJ asked himself before forcing yet another smile. “Awe, that's great, Yuri!”

He slowly put his clothes in the washing machine and drained the bloody water away.

Yuri nodded and smiled. “I'm gonna go get ready, I said I'd meet him in an hour.”

With that being said, the young Russian ran upstairs and into a spare room where he slept.

JJ spirit shut the door of the washing machine and turned it on. He banged his fist on the counter, growling slightly. “That bastard!” He thought as he sat down at the table.

That's it, after this there's going to be nothing left. Everything that JJ thought he had with Yuri will be gone all thanks to a selfish bastard who can't keep his hands off of something that doesn't belong to him...

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