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                  Kayleigh POV

A small sigh escapes me as I turn my gaze away from the wall and back the older woman in front of me.
This is the first time in years, I'm seeing someone that wasn't a member of the guard. My palms start sweating and I grip the cloth tighter around me.

The older woman took a step towards me hands outstretched with the pile of clothes, I tensed up. I couldn't help it. When Commander O'Neill had been alive, no one was ever permitted inside of my cell, but him once my mother was floated. When I make no move to take the clothes, she slowly sets them onto the floor.

"I need you to put these on as quickly as possible. I'm aware of the..altercation you had with the guards the other day, and from the looks of the bruising on your face, I can only assume there's more."

I don't move.


The word weaves around my mind. This has happened more than once before. A sick game, that doesn't seem to end. They never sent anyone in here before. Slowly kneeling down and not taking my eyes off this familiar stranger, I grab onto the clothes. As swiftly as I can I pull on the black panties that are on top of the pile, yanking them one handed while my other hand clutches to the drying cloth. I grabbed the black pants next. Pulling on the pants one handed was a struggle, only taking quick glances away from the woman to focus on getting them on. She hasn't moved away from standing near the cot, and has made no other moves towards me, just stands there silently observing.

Turning my body to the side I drop the cloth and quickly put the bra on next, wanting to be covered as quickly as possible. I kneel back down to grab the purple v necked long sleeved shirt. Everything here is new. Well new to me. The black jeans are a tad bit tight with a few rips at the knees and thighs, the shirt still soft. Nothing compared to the tattered, and thread bare clothing I'm used to.

Footsteps echo, and I abruptly stand in a defensive position, the woman just holds both her hands out, a gesture ment to put me at ease, but does the opposite.

"I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Dr. Abigail Griffin-"

"What are you doing here? Why are you here? In all these years Chancellor Sydney has never allowed me medical attention.. I'm eighteen now, why send you when I'm to be floated?" My voice comes out as a raspy whisper.

"Diana hasn't been chancellor or councilmember for a while now. Thelonious Jaha was voted as the new chancellor some years back. Now we don't have much time." She says standing in front of me, hands reaching out gently prodding the bruising on my ribs. I clench my jaw to keep from making any sounds. "The good news is, I don't feel anything broken, you have severe bruising and possibly a fracture the most I can do right now is tape it up tight, come sit on the bed there isn't much time."

"Time for what?"

Dr. Griffin just ignores my question, setting me on the hard cot and goes about taping my ribs nice and tight before carefully helping me pull on the shirt. From there she pulls out a pair of combat boots and proceeded to shove my feet into them before lacing them up.

"You still haven't answered me Doc, time for-"

My cell door bangs open, four guards rush in, three of which already gave their electric batons our and ready, a third holding gun, which is currently pointed at me.

I turn back to Dr. Griffin, my damp hair whipping in face, to do what, I dont know, when I feel something sharp being pluged into my neck. I raise my arm to swing only to feel other hands grab onto me. I break. Screaming, cursing, doing everything any anything I can to break free. My body feels heavy, and sluggish, I'm no longer able to hold myself up. I feel something sharp penetrating into the skin of my right wrist. I feel myself loosing consciousness, right before I'm taken into the black abyss, I see Dr.Griffin move forward, moving my hair from my face.

"Home Kayleigh.. You're going home"

Sooo yeah. I know I said this chapter would be of the dropship and first moments on Earth, but as I wrote this chapter I knew if I didn't stop where I was, this would be the longest chapter ever, because there wouldnt be a good place for me to end it at. I can tell you the next chapter will be better plus Bellamy will be entering! I'll be posting the next chapter as soon as I type it up. It may be later on tonight or a 3 in the morning. Thanks for the support babes! Until then vote,comment, share💜

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