One Hundred-five

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Luna POV

"Careful not to catch yourself." I explain to the young ones gathered around. "We don't fish for children. It's important that we all work together." I tell them with a gentle smile as they laughed and nodded their heads.

They were old enough now that they could start helping to make traps and catching fish.

"The Sky Girl would like a word." I look up to see Meric walking towards us Clarke a few steps behind.

"She's persistent, I'll give her that." I say to him before turning back to the children. "We're done for today. Go help Derrick with the lamprey traps."

Clarke watches as they all leave before turning her nervous gaze towards me.

"Were they born here?"

"A few. Most were orphaned by war. Or ran from one they didn't believe in."

And soon one more would be sent here for a chance at life.

"Like you from the Conclave." Clarke says trying to get a reaction out of me.

I heard those words so many times they no longer held any affect.

"What did Titus tell you about me?"

"That you were a coward." She stated matter of factly. "A traitor to the blood."

"That sounds like Titus." I say with a shake of my head. "Lexa's death must have been hard for him. She was his favorite. You cared for her as well."

"Yes. Lexa was special." She says blinking away the sadness. "She was working toward peace. Blood must not have blood. You can finish what she started." Clarke presses

"I have peace right here." I tell her spreading my arms gesturing to this place.

"Luna... the Flame is your birthright. Take it. Please. You're the only one who can save us."

"The Flame isn't just my birthright. It's the birthright of anyone with the blood, and I am not the last." I correct her. "Tell me, how many lives would be lost to pay for those I would save?"

"Some causes are worth killing for."

Not a good enough answer.

"Not to me." I tell her walking past.

I hear her say something under her breath but don't catch the words, as she grabs me from behind attempting to put the flame in the back of my head.
It was all too easy for me to turn the situation around in her, removing the flame from her hands and shoving her back into Meric's waiting hold.

"I didn't flee the Conclave because I was afraid I would lose." I tell her honestly. "I fled because I knew I would win. You should be grateful, Clarke. After I was forced to kill my own brother in the first round, I was matched against Lexa in the second."

Her eyes widen in shock at my words.

"Fate is funny that way, don't you think? Some battles you win, others you don't, but this one, is one I will always win." Holding the flame and taking the box it came in from Meric I tell her, "You'll get this back when you leave."

Third Person POV

"Remember, don't shoot to kill." ALIE reminds the guards before turning to Cammie. "We need them."

"Why did your creator leave you?" Cammie asks looking around the temple

"I don't know. But when I see her again, I will ask her."

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