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     Third Person POV

"How was your journey?" Lexa asked as Kayleigh dismounted from Obsidian.

"Started off rough as expected.." Kayleigh starts as the group that came in with her dismounted as well. "I still don't understand why I had to be there."

The warriors all bowed and nodded their head towards Kayleigh and Lexa as they walked by.

"That right there is why you were sent." Lexa said tilting her head at the people who were now looking at Kayleigh in a different light.

Her eyes flickered to thise around them and then right back over to Lexas. Her eyes drifting down, narrowing at the sight of a bandage on her arm.

"What happened to you?" Kayleigh asks looking back up to Lexas eyes.

As they walked to the hut where the War Council convenes, Lexa quickly filled Kayleigh in on what had happened in the woods with Quint, and the run from Pauna.

It seemed to that while Clarke and Lexa were off together, Clarke came up with a plan to get everyone out of the mountain. We already had an army inside the Mountain locked in cages. We just needed someone to let them out.

That someone would be Bellamy.

It all depended on him, getting inside, he was the key. And that scared Kayleigh even more. It wasn't a solid plan. There were too many what ifs, too many things that weren't factored in.

It was hard for Kayleigh not to think about him, as Clarke and Lexa discussed the plans with the war chiefs. Many still believed to wait on one man was foolish, to have everything be depended on Bellamy succeeding, it was wearing quickly on Kayleighs nerves.

"At least Octavia is safe." Kayleigh thought to herself and felt a small pang of sadness go through her when she thought of her friend.

She tried to push her away, thought she had succeeded in making the girl hate her. Instead she unintentionally paved the way for Octavia to become Indras second. She wasn't upset about that, not really. Octavia deserved it, she showed strength and courage not giving up even though Kayleigh was internally begging her to do so. Just like she didn't believe Octavia when she told her the death of her family wasn't her fault. All she wanted to do was keep her and Bellamy safe.

Kayleigh POV

As soon as night fell, Lexa dimissed the others from our tent. Two days had been too long, and my body craved the relief she could give me. Being with her was far different than what it was like with Bellamy and not just for the obvious reasons.

Bellamy made me feel protected, safe... Loved.

Lexa.. Lexa on the other hand made me feel free. Everything was out of control primal instinct. There was no room for thought. She filled the void where Bellamy was, with Lexa, I could almost forget.

"Why is our blood like this?" I ask Lexa, my hand lightly skimming over the bandage on her arm, as she climbs on top of my body, devouring my mouth in a hungry kiss.

Once again we lost ourselves within each other.

It was some time later when Lexa answered my earlier question.

"Goes back to Pramheda." She says leaning over me. "The first Commander, had black blood..When a Nightblood child is found, they're brought to Polis, to be trained for the Conclave ."

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