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                     Kayleigh POV

I wake to the feel of something cold being pressed against my back, goosebumps breaking out over my skin. My eyes feel swollen from the amount of crying I did the day before. I don't remember ever crying as much as I did yesterday.

Not since mom.

Blinking my eyes a few times everything starts to come back into focus. Tilting my head down I look to see Octavia sitting behind me gently moving the cool cloth against the burns.

"How are you feeling?"

"How do I look?" My voice raspy

"Like shit."

"That about sums it up."

Its silent between us for a few moments.

"How's Jasper?"

"Still out of it.. He's breathing but without medicine.."

Letting out a sigh, I carefully push myself up into an upright position, not being able to stay laying on my stomach any longer. Octavia is instantly by my side trying to get me to stay down. The skin on my back pulls as my muscles stretch.

"Octavia. I'm fine I swear. I just can't stay laying like that." I tell her once I'm upright, clutching the remains of my shirt to my chest. "Well I guess its safe to say I'm not leaving here anytime soon unless there's another shirt I can wear."

I go to run my fingers through my hair only stopping short when I feel my skin tightening again.

"Yeah about that.. Not sure how much you heard but you're kinda stuck here for another day or so."

I try to recall what all was said last night, but I can't. I remember the pain, feeling like I was being burned from the inside out, I can still faintly smell the scent if burning flesh, Bellamy holding me still while Clarke repeatedly pressed the hot blade to my skin.

"Clarke says you to rest. You lost alot of blood yesterday, and the burns on your back, having anything rubbing up against it the wrong way can break it open again..Here take this you need to eat." She hands me over a piece of meat. "Bellamy told me what happened," she says as I carefully chew the strange meat. "You pushed him out of the way like you did with me." I say nothing as I was the meat down with water.

"How does it look?"

"Once its healed it'll look pretty bad ass."

I just nodded as I looked around my surroundings, gaze landing on Octavias wrist.

"Took yours off too huh?"

"Yeah. While you were out looking for Jasper, Atom ended up locking me up in the the third level of the dropship to in his words "protect other guys in the camp from me." She says rolling her eyes. I can't help but grin. "Monty was already up there, he's trying to figure out a way to contact the Ark. He thinks he can do it,if he can get a wristband off without it frying."

"So Atom." I say after Octavias filled me in on everything that happened here while were gone.

"Yeah.. Bell caught us kissing last night in the butterfly field." Worry for the boy flooding through her.

"I'm sure everything will be ok." I tell her gently knowing it could very well be a lie.

Octavia snorts at that. "I doubt that."

Eyes growing heavy I shift to lay back down, on my side this time. After finding a comfortable position Octavia lays down next to me, starring up at the roof of our tent.

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