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John POV

Not long after dealing with ambassador, I follow Ontari back to the commanders champers. As we walk through the Polis tower, all guards bow before her.

Well, at least this is working.

Took some time calming her down after that show down. She wasn't happy at all that Uzac reminded her that she was in fact not the last nightblood.

She asked all kinds of questions about Kayleigh, no not Kayleigh but Kikheda. I shake my head thinking about that. How they believe she's some type of immortal.

Sure I saw the sketches, heard the way Titus and other spoke of this person, but none of it made sense.

So I did what I could to try to convince her that Kayleigh wasn't who they thought she was. After all if she was suppose to be this big deal, why wouldn't she have been there for the conclave, if she couldn't die? Why would Titus and Lexa hide her?

Was she a nightblood, yes, was she this Kikheda? No. And if she wasn't Kikheda, she was just a nightblood who ran from her conclave and no threat to Ontari's reign.

She seemed to accept that for now, but she made it known that as soon as Roan came back with the flame, and she ascended, Kayleighs days would be numbered. Keeping with tradition, any nightblood who fled from their conclave was hunted down and put to death.

It took everything in me to remain impassive at her words, instead just raising a brow and shrugging my shoulders, telling her it was whatever, do what you need to.

"I'm tired and hungry." Onatri says clearly annoyed. "No more meetings. Bring me wine!" She orders as we enter the room.

Immediately the servants there rushed off to do her bidding, when the guards stood on point awaiting their orders.

Leaving the door open I step into the room, only to take a step back when I see her pick up the collared chain.

"Oh no, no, no." I say hands raised, backing up. "That's not necessary."

"Put it on him." She says handing them the collar

I don't bother resisting as they crowd around me, putting the chained collar around my neck, all the while giving her an annoyed look.

"Leave us." She orders as soon as they're done. "Let me know the moment King Roan returns." They bow their heads before leaving, shutting the door behind them

"Want to explain this?" I ask her gesturing to the chain.

"I don't trust you."

"Huh, well I gotta say I'm a little hurt by that." I tell her sarcastically.

After all I was the one who was helping her to get the ambassadors off her back.

What I wasn't expecting was for her to start taking off her clothing.

**Possible Trigger**

"How about now?" She asks, once she removes her shirt.

She stands tall, confident, slightly arching her back, drawing attention to her chest.

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