One Hundred-eight

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Kayleigh POV
*City of Light*

I wasn't sure what was happening, not fully. At first, I didn't know who I was fighting.

I had one purpose at that point and one purpose only; to kill the one known as Wanheda, to stop her before she destroyed this world.

But the warrior before me stood in my way. The more we battled, the more she spoke, certain memories flowed through. Of my brother, of her. The things she made me feel, the emptiness inside started to mend, she was mending me, ALIE's pull became less, and the hole in my chest became whole.

Lexa... My missing piece.

She was real. I felt her warm skin, her breath on my neck as I held her tightly to me, the smell of honeysuckle and rain.

Pulling back I look into her forest green eyes, the connection between us surging back, only there was something else there.. someone else.

Looking over her shoulder, I see a blonde girl, on her hands and knees trying to stand.


That was her name wasn't it? Why did it feel like I was being pulled in another direction.

"Kayleigh look at me." Lexa commands, and I jerk my gaze up to hers. "Focus on me, on the connection... breathe."

Doing as she says, I feel myself becoming more grounded, but that feeling doesn't go away.

Satisfied Lexa nods, bringing me over to Clarke. "We need to help her." Gripping onto her arm, Lexa pulls Clarke up to her feet.

"Listen to me. Now the upload has begun, ALIE's people will be able to see us." She tells us both. "We need to be more careful." She says staring directly at me, I immediately understand the underlying meaning beneath her words.

I need to be careful.

"Why aren't they here already?" Clarke ask as we begin moving again, I pick up my blades as we go, keeping them in my hands.

"The Flame offers some protection, but less and less. Can you stand on your own?"

"Yeah." She says looking up at me. "Glad to have you back."

I give her a tight nod. I was back but it didn't feel that way. Not entirely.

"My father's watch." Clarke says looking down at her wrist with a puzzled look.

"What is it?" I ask her

"It's working." She says confusingly at first. "It's counting down. We have 10 minutes to find that killswitch."

We hear a bell singing, and turn to see a girl riding on a bike. As she passes by we see the infinity symbol on the back of her jacket.

"Clarke.."I say

"It's a sign." Clarke breaths out.

"Thank you, Becca." Lexa says

"Can you keep up?" Clarke asks gesturing to my leg.

"In this place? Yeah, no problem." And we take off running.

Third Person POV

"This isn't gonna hold for long!" Bryan grits out

The chipped grounders and Arkers were still trying to get through the door, while Bellamy, Octavia, Miller and Pike all keep trying to hold the barricade in place.

"How the hell did they even get in here?" Miller questions.

They had a plan in place, damnit, this shouldn't be happening.

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