Quote vine

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- you and Finn adore vines
- you guys quote them incessantly
- "hey?"
"My names Jared I'm 19 and never fucking learned how to read."
"Wtf y/n I literally just needed to know what you wanted from chick fil a"
- "if you're name is junior?" *looks at you suspicious*
"Finn you know I hate that one..."
- "wow look at..."
"All those chickens!" *finn laughs*
- "hi!" * you wave to nick*
"WeLcOmE tO cHiLiS!"
- "it's an avocado?" *finn looks at you smirking*
- *josh pushes Finn down*
"So today my brother pushed me and I'm starting a kickstarter to put him down."
- *you do something weird...*
"What the fuck Richard..."

Finn Wolfhard preferences:)Where stories live. Discover now