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- since you and finn are such sweet little beans you guys volunteer.
- you volunteer at the hospital to hold the babies that have been put up for adoption ( a/n this is a real thing like bish sign me tf up!)
- you volunteer at the old folks home to come talk to the old people who's family don't come visit them often.
- you volunteer at the elementary schools to be teachers aides and correct papers.
- you rake old people's leaves in the fall. Shovel their driveways in the winter and mow their lawns in the summer.
- you walk peoples dogs because extra time with dogs? Yes plz
- you volunteer at the animal shelter. You guys play with all the dogs and cats.
- finn is lowkey scared of the lizards but is not about to admit it to you
- you love the guinea pigs and Finn thinks it's adorable
"I'm sorry Finnie I just love them..."
"Well I just love you dear"

Finn Wolfhard preferences:)Where stories live. Discover now