16 going on 6 lol

595 6 0

A/n Dayumm I'm on a role with updates
- some times you and Finn act like you guys are 6 instead of 16
- you guys eat ramen and hot pockets
- Ice cream too
- you guys watch Disney movies and cry every time Mufasa dies in the lion king
- Millie and Noah come over and you guys make a huge pillow/blanket fort in Finns basement
- you hide out in there for two days
- lowkey you've snacks in there, chargers, drinks, and you can see the tv so life is good.
- gushers, Capri suns, fruit snacks, fruit roll ups, granola bars, crackers. You name it.
- you've got the preschoolers dream right there
- and snuggles
- you can't forget the snuggles

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