Chapter 51

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I'm sitting down on the top of piano and looking at the trophy case. If we win Nationals in few weeks, we have to get a bigger trophy case and Vocal Adrenaline Nationals dynasty will be over.

"Listen up, everybody. Come on. Blaine has a very special announcement to make." Finn walks in with Blaine.

"That's right." Blaine nods. "So, as most of you know already Kurt and I are officially back together." Blaine smiles at us.

"So after secretly having sex in Lima Bean restroom, you two finally officially back together." I grin at Blaine.

"Yes and I'd appreciate if you didnt say anything about that." Blaine says to me. "But what most of you don't know- and this is top secret- is that I'm going to ask Kurt to marry me." Blaine grins at us.

"What?" I frown.

"Yeah. Guys, come on. Get up. Come on, guys. This is my best friend. Gay marriage good. It's good. It's good things." Sam applauding and gets up.

"They're all happening so fast." I shake my head.

"Let's go." Sam says to us.

"Sam, not now. Anyway, I want this proposal to be just incredible. So I'm asking for all of your help. But I'm also asking for some of our competitors' help like The Warblers and Vocal Adrenaline and the Haverbrook School for the Deaf." Blaine smiles at us.

"Vocal Adrenaline? No, ma'am." Unique shakes her head.

"The Warblers are evil incarnate little craps- Are you crazy? Are you insane? Good God, have you lost your mind?" Tina groans at Blaine.

"Hey, Tina. Everybody. Hear him out." Finn says to us.

"Look. I want this to be more than just an ordinary proposal. I want this to be a cultural statement." Blaine says to us.

"Sure you do." Jake nods.

"Hey, our generation is at a turning point. People everywhere, except, like, Russia are beginning to see that it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from or even what God you believe in. They're beginning to see that people really aren't all that different. And, honestly, if we can get a bunch of cutthroat show choirs to stand side by side and unite in something then anything is possible." Blaine says to us.

"Okay, okay, but Blaine is just using the world of rival glee clubs as a metaphor for this incredible time we're in right now. I still think you're too young." Artie says to Blaine.

"Are you even sure about this? Did you not learn what happened between Finn and Rachel? No offense, Finn." I said to Blaine.

"Nobody is like 100% sure to anything. But I'm sure that Kurt is my soulmates and we will spending our life together." Blaine says to us.

"Can I speak what Blaine mean here?" Alex raises his hand. "Look, when people are in love they tend to do things that other people think that they're crazy. Just like us right now think that Blaine is crazy to propose someone by the age of 18. But you guys will do the same thing when you're in love. I also won't get married this fast but all Blaine ask from us is our help and our support to make the proposal happen. After the proposal, it's his own choice with his fiance not ours." Alex says to us.

"That's what I meant. Thank you." Blaine says to him. "Come on, guys. Please." Blaine smiles at us.

"All in favor to help Blaine propose to Kurt?" I ask them and raise my hand. The others smiles and start raising their hands. "As the Captain of this Glee club, I'd like to declare, it's settled. New Directions will help Blaine." I smile at Blaine.

"Thank you." Blaine smiles at me. "Thank you guys." Blaine smiles at the others.

The bell rings.

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