Chapter 71

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"I'm coming!" I shout and open the door. "Maddox?" I frown.

"Mom and dad don't let me have my sixteenth birthday party in a pool." Maddox simply said and walks in.

"I miss you too, brother." I raise my eyebrows and close the door.

"Ugh I'm sorry, I ran here because I'm doing this kind of demonstration." Maddox sighs. "By the way, please refund my plane tickets. I used my saving money."

"Okay so you're mad at mom and dad then ran here?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Kind of. They won't find out that I'm here right? You won't tell them right?" Maddox asks me.

"I'm sorry but I will." I said to him and walk away.

"Paris, please." Maddox sighs and sits down on the couch.

"This is not right." I shake my head and take the phone and speed dial my parents house number.

"Hello?" Dad's voice.

"Dad, it's me. And your little boy is in my house. He is doing a thing that he called demonstration because you and mom don't let him have a party." I said over the phone.

"Calm down, Terri. I was right. He ran to Los Angeles." Dad says.

"What happened to mom?" I ask him.

"Your mom can't stop crying. But thank God that he is there. Please tell him to come home. We will do what he wants." Dad says to me.

"I will talk to this rascal." I nod and hit Maddox's head with a pillow. "Tell mom, don't cry. I love you guys."

"We love you too sweetheart. Thank you so much." Dad hung up the calls.

"You made mom cried!" I hit Maddox with the pillow.

"She cried?" Maddox turns his face at me.

"She does. She was worried about you. Now tell me what's going on exactly." I said to him and sit down next to him.

"I asked them for a sweet sixteenth birthday party in Four Seasons. I want something fancy then they said that we could just have a simple party with dinner with some close friends and family. And I disagree with that." Maddox looks down.

"I never have sweet sixteenth birthday party. The fact when I was sixteenth, my birthday present was mom and dad divorced. Look, what is more important, having a huge party fill with people who are fake liking you or having a simple party with people that love you?"

"Of course the second one." Maddox simply said.

"Here is the thing. I will send flight tickets for mom, dad, and grandpa. We will have a special dinner here. And I will take you to ice cream museum and Disneyland. How?" I grin at him.

"So cheap." Maddox simply said.

"You want it or not? I could get Mercedes Jones to be the guest star and she will do it free." I chuckle.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm such a child." Maddox sighs.

"I've been there. I ran from the apartment when I found out dad was dating Miss Pillsbury." I chuckle and rub his back. I turn my face to the stairs as Judith walks downstairs. "Hey, I told you to stay upstairs, if you need anything, just call me."

"No, it's fine. I can't lay down all day." She giggles.

"Oh by the way, this is Maddox. He is my little brother. I guess you guys are the same age." I smile at them.

"Hi. I'm Judith. I'm having your niece." Judith smiles at Maddox.

"Hi. Nice to meet you too." Maddox giggles.

Drunk In Love (Glee & Mike Chang Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora