Chapter 54

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I walk in the hallways and see that girl who has been blackmailing me. I frown and walk to her quickly and stop her way.

"Stop blackmailing me!" I glare at her.

"What are you talking about?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Don't play stupid with me. I'm a principal daughter I have access to enter the control room and check out the CCTVs and I know you put all those letters and notes into my locker! Why would you do that? What is the thing that I have done to you? If I'm not mistaken, I even helped your mom get blood donor!" I frown at her.

"Come to my house after school and I promise that I will stop blackmail you and all." She gives me a note of her address then walks away.

I frown and read the address. If she keeps playing along with me. I won't be quiet, I will report her. But now I guess I should trust her for once and follow this address.

I let out a sigh and put the paper into my cheerios jacket and walk to cafeteria. I take my tray and pick up my food then pay it. After that I walk to the table and sit down with the others. I will find out what does she want after this.


I park my car in front of a house. I walk out from my car and read the address that that girl gave me. I let out a sigh and walk to the door then knocking on the door.

Suddenly someone opens the door. "come on in." That girl says to me.

"Look, if you keep playing games with me, I will report you to the police for threatening." I frown at her.

"I promise you this is the last time. I will stop blackmail you." She said to me.

"Okay." I sigh.

"Follow me." She walked lead me to upstairs. I secretly record the voice in case something is happening. She opened the door and I see a woman lays down in bed. "My mom wants to talk to you." She said to me.

"Why? I'm not a doctor." I frown.

"Is this you right?" She gives me a picture.

I look at to the picture and that's the picture of me when I was baby. "Who are you?" I frown at them.

"I'm your mother." That woman says to me.

I chuckle and shake my head. "My mom is working now. Don't make a joke, ma'am."

"Look, you don't have to lie anymore. You're adopted." That girl says to me.

I frown at them. "How could you know that?"

"I can explain." That woman says and sits up slowly. "I was eighteen when you were born. And I can't believe that you really look like your father." She smiled at me.

"And why did you left me in that hospital alone?" I frown at her.

"Because I didn't know how to raise a child alone. Your father left me after I told him. He went out of nowhere without call or say goodbye. My parents kicked me out of the house. I lived alone and I wasn't sure to raise you. I even didn't pay for hospital. I left you and hope that there will be good parents for you." She said to me.

"They weren't good. They're the best parents I could ever ask. My mom always kisses my forehead before she went to bed even until now. And my dad would do anything to make my dreams come true. Look, if you're asking me to leave them for you. I'm not gonna do that. They are my parents not you. I may be born from your belly but they spent everything they have to raise me. I'm a Schuester and it will never change." I shake my head and walk out from the room and walk downstairs.

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